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Drug-smuggling Submersibles


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
All I saw on the front page listing for this was "Drug-smuggling," so naturally I figured it was another thread about A-pool shenanigans. I'm pleasantly surprised.

Interesting article too.


All I saw on the front page listing for this was "Drug-smuggling," so naturally I figured it was another thread about A-pool shenanigans. I'm pleasantly surprised.

Interesting article too.

good call before I left Pensacola one of the talks of the base was the lbs of Mary Jane someone got caught with in the enlisted barracks.


remember to pillage before you burn
one of the coasties in IFS with me was telling me about this


yea I 'heard' (not sure as to the truth) that NASP has a big time drug problem.

To qualify that, while in API, I had my car stopped twice and searched with a canine unit while going out the back gate.

I guess my four banger 97 Saturn had drugs written all over it.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
We were in Key West a few weeks ago and got an up close personal tour of this boat.

-ea6bflyr ;)


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
NASP has a large contingent of E-<4s. Not to dog on all Es, but judging by the military bearing (or lack thereof) I see from a few individuals whilst coming and going at the NEX, there is a somewhat sizeable minority of dirtballs there. Saw the same thing when I was here in A-pool as well.

According to the law of averages, congregate enough people in one location, and you are virtually guaranteed to run across not only dirtballs but bona fide shitbirds here and there. Large quantities of junior personnel mean small, but still extant, quantities of people who should be weeded out but haven't yet had sufficient opportunity to demonstrate their worthlessness.

Keep in mind that a few Ensigns recently proved that this is not purely an enlisted phenomenon.


New Member
Aww yes the NASP barracks drug problem. When I was in A-school at NASP in 07, I can remeber at least three times while I was on mids watch, someone getting caught smoking crack in one of the side study rooms on the third floor. :eek: