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dui misdemeanor

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Registered User
does anyone know if a dui is an automatic rejection for ocs? i received it back in 1995 while still in school. haven't had anything since then (not even a speeding ticket), and that was my first and only time in trouble with the law. i am going for supply corps. will this dq me?


Registered User
That long ago, I think you will be ok, if it is a recent thing is when they hang you. And you are right Michael, back roads were a very frequent thing.


Registered User
I got an Underage Consumption when I was 19 south of Minneapolis, and made it through the approval process no sweat last summer for OCC 180. You'll probably have the opportunity to write up an explanation. You're older and wiser now, explain it.


Registered User
yeah mike im with you, i got an underage possession, and use of a false ID when i was 20. long story, went to see a friend in clemson, for the first Bowden bowl, and got busted, the recruiter had me write a statement explaining how i learned from the experience and so on....no problem

<insert something witty here:>


Registered User
Hell..I have 5 felonies, and 2 are still pending. I thought they would only help my app., along with the anchor tattoo I just got on my forearm!

Only Kidding..I had 2 MIP's and my recruiter didn't care also, remember the Navy want's rebellious types, not the stay in and watch TGIF w/ family on a friday night kid. Had to throw that in there.



Registered User
I wouldn't worry too much about it as the others have said. My recruiter told me that the Navy is only concerned with how you do from this point on (with is reason of course).

Moses Smith


SNA Meridian
Like everyone has said I wouldn't worry about it too much. First of all there is not a damn thing you can do about it, and second from what I understand the Navy is concerned about who you are now and who you could be in the future. I like most everyone alive had a hell of alot of fun while growing up. I got an MIP, a ticket for fraud, wreckless driving, allowing an unlicensed minor to drive, speeding, special hazards...I just about had them all.[}:)][}:)] I haven't had a ticket in a couple of years though and I have an OCS date of Aug 2 03 for SNA. Just be up fron and honest. DO NOT try to hide anything even if it is not "on your record" they know about it. Just be honest and upfront and good things will come your way. Good luck

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