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Registered User
I hate posting this - but I skimmed through most of the site and all 10 pages under Marine OCS - and I couldn't find related topics. A buddy of mine and I both applied to OCC 185 and were non-select. I don't have too much of a problem - my PFT is what is holding me back and I've been working real hard on that.

My buddy, though, got a DUI about 3 years ago. I'm definitely reapplying until I get in - but he's about to throw in the towel because of the DUI offense.

Does anyone have a first-hand account of people getting accepted with a DUI/DWI (Don't really know the difference). I'd like something more than hearsay - but even if you'd heard stories, I'd like to know.



War were declared.
I'm not sure about getting accepted with a DUI, but I can tell you that Marine Officers who get a DUI are shown the door immediately. Here at TBS they commonly talk about how every training company loses one Lt for getting a DUI, and that Lt is quickly ejected into the civilian world. Now, this doesn't answer the question of whether or not you can get accepted with a prior DUI, but I can just go as far as to say that it reflects quite unfavorably.


Registered User
There's a guy from marineocs who got accepted to 185 with a DWI. He's at OCS right now on a ground package so it can be done. He told me about it via PM. I also know a guy who got a DUI and was not selected for 185. Otherwise he had a very strong package. He did get a waiver signed but it was not until after the boards decided not to select him. He's now going for 186.

Was your friend's waiver signed?


Registered User
Thanks for the replies.

I'm not sure if his waiver was signed.

That guy that got in for 185 must have had an outstanding app. package in all other respects.


Registered User
hey, i got a dwi. i had posession of an eighth of weed, a dwi slash drugs and a couple of other tickets for parking in a tow away zone, no inspection, little ****. i did all this bull**** and it all got reduced to a speeding ticket, but it was all there, i had to tell them every last bit of it. i appplied for three years, and finally got in. i am going to plc jrs this summer. stay with it, and see what happens. they wanna see a couple of years between the arrest and now to see that you wont **** up again. so give it time
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