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E4's accepts for STA-21?


Registered User
I know any paygrade can apply but how many e4 and below actually get accepted for STA-21? Im talking non-nukes here since I know alot of them get picked up in nuke school. Ive been at my command for less then a year (been in 1 year, 8 months) and am getting qual'd on lots of stuff but cant seem to find any leadership oppurtunites. I also do most of the maintenance on my gear so I am not just doing quals just to look good. So I was wondering as a junior ET3 what kind of stuff can I do to stand out from the crowd? So far I have

WCS qual'd
DCPO qual'd
All quals "required" in my division such as aloft, radar systems supervisor, 3M, etc.
CSOSS 301-302
DC-307-311 qual
Divisional/Departmenal Test Equipment supervisor (yes it is my own workcenter but I dont have anyone actually working for me)

I dont know what other quals to work on anymore. Im taking my ACT next month and just got done with my associates while we were on deployment. My WCS is getting out this May and we dont have any ET2's in my workcenter besides him so I am thinking of asking to be WCS. I also talked to my division about doing individiual augmentee but they wont let me go because we are already short on people.

I really want to have all my beans in the package when I apply this fiscal year so any advice would help. My last and first eval was an MP but this was before I got my SW/AW and was only onboard for 2-3 months.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
I know any paygrade can apply but how many e4 and below actually get accepted for STA-21? Im talking non-nukes here since I know alot of them get picked up in nuke school. Ive been at my command for less then a year (been in 1 year, 8 months) and am getting qual'd on lots of stuff but cant seem to find any leadership oppurtunites. I also do most of the maintenance on my gear so I am not just doing quals just to look good. So I was wondering as a junior ET3 what kind of stuff can I do to stand out from the crowd? So far I have

WCS qual'd
DCPO qual'd
All quals "required" in my division such as aloft, radar systems supervisor, 3M, etc.
CSOSS 301-302
DC-307-311 qual
Divisional/Departmenal Test Equipment supervisor (yes it is my own workcenter but I dont have anyone actually working for me)

I dont know what other quals to work on anymore. Im taking my ACT next month and just got done with my associates while we were on deployment. My WCS is getting out this May and we dont have any ET2's in my workcenter besides him so I am thinking of asking to be WCS. I also talked to my division about doing individiual augmentee but they wont let me go because we are already short on people.

I really want to have all my beans in the package when I apply this fiscal year so any advice would help. My last and first eval was an MP but this was before I got my SW/AW and was only onboard for 2-3 months.

I think you should apply. Don't worry about your paygrade. Focus on your strengths...work to improve you weak areas. About you leadership oppertunities...see if you can get yourself into a shop where you will have some people that work directly under you. It might be hard with your rate and situation, but even try to go TAD for a period of time. If you have any more questions or need help with your package, there are several STA-21 OC's on this forum that will be happy to help.


To answer your question, I have no idea what actual numbers look like...that said...APPLY!!!!

It sounds like you are on the right path. Your quals look great! Really really solid, so as far as qualification goes, I don't think that there is anything else you can do to stand out from the crowd. Granted, I was in a totally different environment than you are but I cannot imagine that there is much left for you to work on qualification wise. You've also pursued education which is great.

The thing that I think most contributed to my package's success was my visibility at the command level. The Navy especially, rewards hard work. If you have nothing left in your workcenter to qualify, look for ship-wide collateral duties that you may be able to take on. Assist the CMEO, organize shipwide community volunteer groups etc...I think you get the idea. Find a way to be a hard-working sailor for the ship and not just your division.

Second...get ready for the ACT/SAT! Take practice tests, use gouge books, take an SAT/ACT prep class. It may be stupid, but your standardized test grade is a quick and easy way to compare your potential for collegiate success to every other applicant that fiscal year. It is critical that you blow it away.

Third...take a good, hard, long look at what it is that you want to do. Why is it that you want to be an officer? Be honest...with yourself and with the people who you will interview with. Don't search for the "yearbook" answer, search for your answer. What do our core values really mean to you? Why are you willing to dedicate your life to the Navy? Remember that they are looking for career-minded line officers.

It sounds like you are well on your way. Keep up the hard work and push yourself and those around you to work smarter and harder. Don't worry about how you stack up...the board will take care of that...just do everything you can to the best of your ability and the chips will fall...If there is anything else I can do...let me know.


is clara ship
Sorry if this is too off-topic, but this kind of raises a question I have. My NROTC unit has a significant nuke STA-21 population, and I know of at least a half dozen guys who were picked up out of the nuke pipeline (as the original poster mentioned). They are all great guys....don't get me wrong...but it seems like the Navy really isn't getting its money's worth in accepting these guys into yet another training program (and then power school again). Can anyone shed some light on their reasoning for this? Nothing against these hard-charging E4's (I would be glad to serve w/ any one of them) but it seems a little odd to me


Registered User
Whats the worst they can say

This is just a little bit of advice that was passed to me....never hold back from applying for something jsut because you dont think you will get it....the worst they can say is no....and the best is yes...if you get it...and decide you dont want it you can always say no. Give yourself every oppurtunity you can to succeed.


This is all my take on it...but...

The Navy screens candidates for officer programs based on
1) Their ability to complete the program and receive a commission...
2) The caliber of officer that candidate is likely to make.

The Navy has "gotten their money's worth" if the candidate gets comissioned and completes his or her min. req'd service...othewise it wouldn't be their min. req'd service.:icon_wink

Nuc's in my opinion are selected with greater frequency because as a group they tend to be more academically prepared for completing an undergraduate degree than a similarly sized group of any other enlisted training pipeline. The entrance req'ts guarantee this. Take 100 Nuc's and 100 members of the rest of the enlisted communities at random, and it is a safe bet that more Nuc's will be able to complete a degree...just that simple.

Does any of this mean that they will be better officers....not neccesarily...but that's a question for another thread.


New Member
APPLY!! I'm in STA-21, and although I'm an E-6, I don't think rank matters. Your record looks great - especially for an E-4! Definately follow all of Scoober's advice, and consider doing some volunteering in your community, if possible. I know it is a big part of the unit I'm attached to, and it will help in setting you apart from other applicants (as will your AA). If you don't know what other quals to get - get anything you can - even if it is out of your rate - it shows initiative and and dedication to the team. If you select a technical degree, that will help - the there is a big push on that. The Navy wants more technical officers vice historians and english experts. APPLY!


Registered User
If you really want to know go to http://www.npc.navy.mil/channels and search for the past messages with the STA-21 results. I had the past 3 years results printed out on my STA-21 folder because I had a similar question (which rates make it the most for a certain designator). Good luck.


STA 21 Nuclear OC
Such a large number of nukes get picked up for the nuclear option each year because there are many (60-70) slots available for nukes applying to the nuclear option.

On the other hand, there were some non-nuke E4's who were picked up. If you outshine most E-4's (and it looks like you do), then you have a great chance. If you're as good as you seem, you'll probably be an E-5 before your package is due for FY08.


Registered User
I will heed the advice. I have not informed my CoC about my intention to apply as I didnt want to be placed in the "wannabe pilots or SEAL" category before I had a chance to prove to them I am worth endorsing.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
That is a good idea and no one like a guy who talks the talk, but can't back it up or doesn't follow through. From you first post, I would say that you probably don't fall into either of those categories and it is time to let your chain of command know your intentions. You can't do this by yourself...


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
If you want to solidify your package take a calc course. Having completed calc, from what I understand, helps greatly in the selection process.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
I barely CLEP'd college algebra but ill look into cal or maybe pre-cal first. God I hate math.

You may not know you like math, but the navy knows already. Just think, after all that calc and physics, you may still hate math, but you will at least be good at it. ;)


Just a suggestion on leadership opportunities for an E-4. I understand there are very few opportunities for you to prove your leadership skills to your command. However, there are plenty outside the navy. Look into Big Brother/Big Sister, Scouts, youth groups, etc. When you sit your boards and are able to explain the different situations you dealt with and how you handled them as a leader, you will stand out over many other applicants.