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USN EA-6B Squadrons

Does anyone know which USN VAQs got ICAP III birds? I do know that all the USMC VMAQs transitioned to ICAP IIIs around the 2010-2012 timeframe.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Does anyone know which USN VAQs got ICAP III birds? I do know that all the USMC VMAQs transitioned to ICAP IIIs around the 2010-2012 timeframe.
As a general rule, the early Growler transition squadrons like 132 and 141 were ICAP II, but ultimately most of them, by the end as the transition to Growler unfolded. My last Prowler squadron (131) was still ICAP II in 2011.
As a general rule, the early Growler transition squadrons like 132 and 141 were ICAP II, but ultimately most of them, by the end as the transition to Growler unfolded. My last Prowler squadron (131) was still ICAP II in 2011.
The very last Prowler squadron (134) was ICAP II.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
139, 140, and 142 were all ICAP III prior to transition, although 142 went back to ICAP II temporarily after 139’s jets got irradiated and they did a jet swap.

We (140) flew our ICAP IIIs to Cherry Point to hand over to the USMC coming off our last Prowler deployment in 2013.
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Well-Known Member
139, 140, and 142 were all ICAP III prior to transition, although 142 went back to ICAP II temporarily after 139’s jets got irradiated and they did a jet swap.

We (140) flew our ICAP IIIs to Cherry Point to hand over to the USMC coming off our last Prowler deployment in 2013.
142 got "irradiated" ICAP IIIs from 139 and a couple from 137 in 2011/2012. We were exped ICAP II prior to that. We finished our 2013 deployment on Nimitz with ICAP IIIs.