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El Navy


New Member
What's what all this "El Navy" BS? We just had a recruiting event at my university and everything was in Spanish. The t-shirt they gave me was made in Mexico too.

Considering people have to speak English to join the military anyways, what do they accomplish by having everything in Spanish?

Plus, what's with the recruiter telling me I am probably not a good candidate because I don't have a technical degree and that PRK vision is not waiverable?



Active Member
They've been favoring technical degrees but you can still get picked up without one.

I got my NRC waiver for PRK at the end of June - they're still giving them out.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Se llama "La Marina [de Guerra]" en espanol. Seriously, making the military bi-lingual would really Charlie Foxtrot everything. You can take this diversity thing a little too far, if not careful.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Speaking of Latin America, AW&ST says that the USA & Brasil are in talks involving our purchase of up to 100 Super Tucano light attack a/c. That would be neat, especially figuring out which service(s) gets them.


Well-Known Member
The Navy is also called La Armada de los Estados Unidos in Spanish. Come down to south Texas, the recruiting commercials are in Spanish as are the pamphlets.