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Embry Riddle

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Registered User
Hi, im planning to apply to embry riddle in the fall for early decision. Im a junior now. Can anyone that goes/went to the school tell me how competitive it is to get accepted? Heres what my applications going to look like.

Class Rank- 39%, 2.8 GPA
SAT- 1260
4 years math (including pre-calc), 3 years science (including physics), 2.5 social science, 4 years english
Lifegaurd at local community center 11, 12
Asst. Swim Coach 12
20 hours at local police department doing some anti-tobacco work
volunteered at Young Eagles flight thing for a few hours 10, 11
40 hour Community Service award at hospital 11

Thanks in advance


Registered User
oh come on pat, our golf teams and tennis teams kick ass. lol. yea, we missed out on the big university experience, but thats why you get a girlfriend that goes to UF or something (lots of hotties up there). if your totally set on riddle, i worked in the admissions office for three years, and w/ those stats you are in. p.s. if you doing b.s. in aero sci, start flying at your local fbo now.



Registered User
yeah yt, you will probably get in - despite what you might hear, ERAU is not that selective.

I graduated this april from the Prescott campus, and I will always cherish my Riddle memories. Still, I just wanted to second what patmack said - don't limit your options - there are other flight schools out there, and regular schools work just as well if you have the discipline to fly in a non regimented training environment like a local airport FBO.


Jack Szarkowski SKI3


Registered User
Hehe.. skimmed through those posts on studentpilot.net, and some are downright hilarious. "Here comes the Shockwave!" What a deranged little boy. Seems that it was a recent post, the date was this May I think.
Check two-thirty low, no factor!

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