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Enlisted MM's in OCS


New Member
I am a Sergeant currently active duty and I have been selected to OCS through ECP for OCC 194. I was wondering how they treat prior-enlisted in OCS? Is it easier or harder? or no different? I'm not sure what to bring with me to OCS and what the process is before I leave my unit?


Well-Known Member
I am a Sergeant currently active duty and I have been selected to OCS through ECP for OCC 194. I was wondering how they treat prior-enlisted in OCS? Is it easier or harder? or no different? I'm not sure what to bring with me to OCS and what the process is before I leave my unit?

Being that your active, most of the staff puts a little more weight on you to both have your head pulled out prior to showing up and to help them adjust the rest of the platoon to the lifestyle that you are already prevy too.

As far as expectations, they dont change the standards for priors, but they do expect you to pass on your knowledge and will be very hard on anybody who doesnt. Expect to spend your time at OCS during the first couple weeks being asked questions and having to explain the same thing to differnt candidates time and time again. Also your typically the first ones to pick up candidate billets which kinda sucks for your eval since your platoon/company wont have totally adjusted to their new lifestyle and while milage may very you will probably still be dealing with a lot of "why do I have to" crap.

Oh almost forgot, whether or not you were trained properly has everything to do with where your SI worked as a DI. If you went through their field then you can go ahead and let on about that, if not keep it to yourself as its one more thing they can rag on you for.


500 ft. from said obstacle
I am a Sergeant currently active duty and I have been selected to OCS through ECP for OCC 194. I was wondering how they treat prior-enlisted in OCS? Is it easier or harder? or no different? I'm not sure what to bring with me to OCS and what the process is before I leave my unit?

I think Lawman covered much of what you need to know before you ship. Its important to remain flexible as a prior, the type of leadership that you're going to exhibit is somewhat different compared to being an NCO. However, your NCO experience will definitely help you in billets like FT leader, Squad leader etc. You will also be able to pass 80% of the classes without really studying that much because they are basically the same classes from boot.

As far as checking out from your unit, you'll need to go to your Company Office with a set of orders for them to review. If your a part of a reserve unit they should excuse you from annual training so that you can go train. Typically its the CO Gunny that takes care of this, but I've dealt with the 1st Sergeant as well. You don't need to check out, turn in gear or anything like that.

As far as things to bring to OCS, DO NOT remove the name tapes from your cammies and bring them... they'll issue you everything you need at OCS, not worth ruining good cammies. Bring duct tape, plenty of zip-loc bags, a headlamp if you want to be efficient at night, a few skivvy shirts, and MORE THAN ONE set of civvies. It'd be best to probably bring around three if you're going OCC. I believe OCC 194 goes during the winter months (I have a couple friends shipping), however its anybody's guess bringing underarmour or such articles because every company is different. I'd just go with the standard cold-weather gear that they'll issue you.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask, Lawman and myself well do our best to give you useful answers. Good Luck.


500 ft. from said obstacle
oh I'm a fellow 0621 btw, just noticed that. No 119s at OCS my friend ;) However they do have a comm section there... every now and then I'd yell at them while we were doing our runs..they'll be out there with manpacks incase anybody falls out.

What unit are you with?


Don't forget erasable pens. They'll save you hours of sleep. I second the headlamp idea, too. My batteries died three days in and had to write all my essays/chits in the head cuz my moonbeam wouldn't work.


New Member

Everyone thank you for the information, I'm sure it will help me out. As far as cammies how many sets am I meant to bring? and I'm originally from 6th Marine Regiment at Camp Lejeune, but now I'm at 8th Marines until I leave.


New Member
Is there a difference between being OCC and OCS? I'm not sure if I'm confusing myself. I was selected through ECP and I will be in 194.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
^^^^For the purposes of this discussion, no. Those are all distinctions of commissioning sources. You'll be at OCS (a place) at the ten week program along with people in OCC (a program) and PLC(combined) (another program) and other ECP folks (yet another program). It won't matter once you're there. Good luck, Merry Christmas, and Semper Fi.


UAL CA; retired hinge
I am a Sergeant currently active duty and I have been selected to OCS through ECP for OCC 194. I was wondering how they treat prior-enlisted in OCS? Is it easier or harder? or no different? I'm not sure what to bring with me to OCS and what the process is before I leave my unit?
I'm sure you saw the MARADMIN that has the ECP selection results in it but didn't read much beyond your name. Read the whole thing, it'll answer some of your questions ... it can be found here: http://www.usmc.mil/maradmins/marad...5f5d00a2c71b8a5285257248006f6b35?OpenDocument.

Answers can also be found at www.ocs.usmc.mil and this document will answer some questions: http://www.ocs.usmc.mil/New_Web_For...n/ECP MCP RECP Prep Letter 1 May 06 Vers .doc

If I were you, and unless somebody tells you not to, I would plan on driving up to Quantico. They'll have a place for you to park your car, and it will come in handy when you get libo. Also, you can use it to store stuff, like extra civvies.

Beyond that, I don't have much gouge for you ... I'm sure it's changed some since I went through there almost 8 years ago.

Good luck and don't get hurt ... it's not like boot camp where they'll drop you to MRP or EHP.



"As far as things to bring to OCS, DO NOT remove the name tapes from your cammies and bring them... they'll issue you everything you need at OCS, not worth ruining good cammies."

All the ECP, MECEP and MCP guys brought their cammies with name tapes removed at OCC 193. If you didn't have 4 sets of cammies, they made you buy them at cash sales. You will need three sets with the white name tags they give you and one set of slick (no name tapes) for inspections.


Registered User
Hopefully I can provide some info. Some may be repeated and if so, I merely support those that have posted it previously. Having been to OCS once before, I don't claim to know it all, but I will share what I do know. I attended OCS 190 in Fall of 2005. After being dropped at the 5 week boards, I enlisted in the reserves and have spent the last year going through my IADT. Anyhow...

-They do expect more from the priors, but at the same time, it seemed the priors had a bit easier of a time simply for their knowledge and already adjusted lifestyles.

-Read the links provided earlier, they are all good info. Expect PT to be worse than boot camp. Expect to be treated like a recruit once again. It doesn't matter what rank you are/were, when you arrive, that rank no longer matters. You are now a candidate and will be treated by the instructors as such. Also, do not flaunt your prior status or rank above other priors or fellow candidates. Be there to help guide, inform, and educate if you can... but try not to come across as superior. That is a good way to make enemies with fellow candidates fast, and you don't want that. It's a cuthroat world, because we're all trying to make it through OCS, and it's competitive. But at the same time, none of us will make it if we don't work together. Anyhow, I'm starting to tangent now.

-Definitely bring at least 2 but no more than 3 sets of civies. The set of civies you wear to report in, expect to wear them all through in-processing (2-3 days) without washing them. It's for this reason that I suggest 1 or 2 extra sets for when libo comes around.

-Bring your alphas as you may be able to have them altered rather than having to buy new ones. However, if you're driving, leave them in the car, if you're not, I would try to ship them so that you don't have to drag them through the seabag drag, and all that fun stuff.

-Be ready to answer lots of questions from other non-prior candidates.

Ok, I think I've run out of tips, for now. Good luck to all who will be reporting on the 20th! I look forward to seeing you all there.

Pappa Battery 5/14 (USMCR)