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Enlisted Nuclear to Flight School

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Registered User
I'm currently going enlisted into the Navy nuclear program. My goal is to eventually go for a pilot slot. My recruiter said I currently don't qualify to make it directly, I was told they select most officers from the nuke program. I have already got an engineering degree from purdue university, with mediocre grades (2.5 GPA). I have taken the ASTB a scored OAR-54 and the rest 5's. My vision is 20/20 so it qualifies me. Does anyone know my chances at getting pulled up to OCS and the flight programs from enlisted.


Registered User
This is just my opinion as a former enlisted guy that is going officer. But I would say not to enlist first and then definitely not as a nuke. First off, you are over qualified. Second, you will be so busy is school for the next 2 years that applying will be difficult. For what reason are you not qualified? I would say to talk to someone else. Recruiters get good points for enlisting nukes, so they don't really care what you want. Been there, done that.


Your MOM!
Sounds to me like you are getting jerked. There is a lot more competition while you are enlisted because there is a hell of a lot less slots available. You have to prove yourself to your chain of command and that takes a while.

Don't sweat the small stuff!


Registered User
They said my GPA is to low to even apply at the moment. This recently seems to be a common problem. Who else could I talk to to get an opinion.

Dave Shutter

Registered User
quote:They said my GPA is to low...

...but he'll send your app. in for NUKE?! Man, your not even getting lube with this deal!

Sounds like the officer recruiters have handed you off to the Enlisted guys at your office. It's a real competetive year and a lot of communities are closed out from what I hear so they're taking the easy route with you and trying to push you off to fill their Enlisted quota. If I'm not mistaken pilot is closed out so how can they say you're not competetive enough: there is no competition!

Let me quess: they told you you'd be a shue in for OCS once you had some enlisted time...right? They tried that on me when my first ASTB scores weren't high enough. WARNING: YOU ARE GETTING POACHED BY AN ENLISTED RECRUITER!!! I did two OHARP stints in recruiters offices' and know about four guys off the top of my head who got talked into enlisted tours before they could "qualify" for OCS. Trust me, you're getting screwed.

2.5 for an engineering degree actually isn't bad. The more demanding the major the more acceptable it is to go lower than 3.0, and Purdue isn't your average school. ASTB of 54, 5, 5 isn't bad either. If pilot is closed out or just ultra-competetive right now, and it's something you want, then it's worth waiting for, but sending you off the Boot Camp is BS. Worst case: you have to wait for another FY for more pilot slots to open up, which BTW is this OCT!

...unless of course you want to go Enlisted first, which is a great experience and a lot of fun, but not necessary. I knew a lot of guys in the Army who wanted commissions but got talked into enlisting despite having expensive degrees that took them years to get. Sure, they had a good time, but they felt like real jackasses scrubbing toilets, doing KP and sweeping the motor pool.

Best of luck and keep us posted.

Edited by - Dave Shutter on 08/08/2002 00:37:18


Registered User
Did you accept your diploma through a cloud of bong smoke? .

Pat: this made me laugh my ass off man!!!!

OLIVER DON'T DO IT!!!! If you haven't signed on the line, even if you have try to get out of it. Tell the recruiter to go to hell and get another recruiter and just wait it out a few months and you'll be going in with the rest of us "patient" (however forced it might be) guys.

I thought of something that might work well for me, if I get a Spring slot, they will put me in a special category b/c I turn 27 in May 2005 and at the rate the wait list is, I would go right past that on the normal wait.


Registered User
As a guy who was enlisted, went back to college (on the government's dime), and now am a pilot, I can safely say that you are getting boned up the ass! You have a degree. You have good grades. You have the desire to serve your country and see beautiful women in far away lands. You rock! If they are giving you the big one in the sphincter, and they are, explore some more options. Is your heart set on that particular service? Are there other jobs in other services which appeal to you? Can you take the ATSB again in a few months, study your balls off, and get a higher score? Have you talked to the officer recruiter yet? The biggest reason that I wanted to become an officer, besides the chicks, was the responsibility. I could be held "accountable" for my actions as a lance corporal, but ultimately, the "responsibility" rested with the junior officer who led me. Being an enlisted guy is great. Being an officer is cool as well. You have to decide how much responsibility you want to bear and how long you want to wait before the military gives you a chance to do so. If you want it and you want it now, being an "O" is the way to go. If you want to pay more dues on the way up the ladder before taking it on, go enlisted. Either way, you serve your country, and you get chicks. How much better could the world be? Cheers.
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