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Enlisted Questions


New Member
Sorry this is on the wrong board.

But yall know how long boot camp is for enlisted navy guys? Is it as intense as OCS...or is it a breeze?


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
Having experienced enlisted boot camp, and hearing second hand from guys who went through OCS. I would say that boot camp is not as difficult.


Dirty Hinge
I went through boot camp in February 2004 and OCS in June of 2006. OCS was far and away harder physically, and the classes were much more difficult, but I had more fun in OCS as I was surrounded by a bunch of A-type college graduates who on the most part were motivated.

Boot camp was an exercise in boredom and patience. It was not overly hard, but trying to get some of these knuckleheads who had never been away from Mommy and Daddy to do anything was difficult at times. There was a mix of motivators, guys who were there for a job, and some guys literally off the street on their last chance at life. The education level was (barely) high school, so rumor and BS usually put logic and common sense in the back seat.

I did make $250 bucks ironing creases and shining boots at night, so there was that bonus.

Clear as mud?


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
I went through RTC in the summer of 2000 and it wasn't that difficult, like picklesuit said it mostly consists of fighting boredom and trying to stay awake.