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Enlisted to Officer leave balance

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Registered User
I posted this in another link but thought it might get a few more stares here. I mentioned below the date I leave for OCS. I was told that my class will be approximately 90% prior enlisted due to the lack of funding for PCS transfers this year. Just wondering if there is anyone else out there in the same situation. Hate the wait.

I was told that my leave balance will start over at zero at the date of commissioning. Is that true? If true, I have to burn up about 72 days or sell it back between now and then. I leave for OCS on OCT 13th, meaning that I will be there during the Christmas break. What is the policy for that period? My thoughts are to save a few days of leave for that purpose, if they are gonna be chargin me for it, instead of goin in the hole.


Registered User
I don't know how accurate the info is that you got about your leave balance starting over at zero when you get your commission. The only reason I can think of for the Navy to do this has to due with selling back leave. If you accrue leave when you are elnisted, then get your commission and sell it back, you will be receiving it at a higher pay rate than which you earned it. I know that this doesn't seem to be any diffent than if you had 15 days of leave on the books and then got promotted form E-3 to E-4, but the pay increase is a great deal when you become an officer. Especially if you were prior service. This is just a guess, but since I am in the same situatio I will try and find ou the correct answer.

OCS completely shuts down for two weeks over X-mas and everyone takes leave.

Ed Williams

Registered User
You won't loose all of your leave days, however, anything over 60 come Oct. 1 will be lost. If you have 72 days on the books, use a few weks now. Remember that you will earn leave while at ocs. CHristmas leave last year was for 17 days.

Dave Shutter

Registered User
If your coming in off the street you earn 2.5 days (paid vacation days really) of leave a month. For Christmas our class was told that we'll gradaute with a negative leave balance and that enlisted days (you're an E-5 at OCS) can't transfer to commisioned days and that any negative days would have been taken from our pay. Under that rule I should have graduated with 0 days, minus some dough, and then started adding them up but I still have a negative balace. I have no idea what they're doing.

BTW, just saw a "NAVY, accelerate your life" spot edited with footage from "Behind Enemy Lines." Interesting.


Registered User
Thanks for all the responses. I got this info from Ed Phillips at NMRC, he's a pretty good wealth of info for priors. You just hear so many conflicting stories.
So, it is safe to say that I should save a little of what I have now for the Christmas standdown so as not to go in the hole, and burn the rest b4 I get there. Because as Dave eluded to, the Navy does not allow you to carry a negative leave balance anymore. They just hack it out of your next paycheck to bring you back to zero.

Dave Wahl


Registered User
You can carry a negative balance, You just cannot be discharged and commissioned with a negative balance, theoretically. Therefore, everyone who graduated leave with a negative balance was told they would be charged. At any other point your negative leave is not that big of a deal as long as you have the time left in to get out of the hole. For a while the Navy, or some commands were making people sign Page 13s if they went negative, just so they would know the consequences if they did not get out of the hole before their next extension or enlistment.


Registered User
Well, just what I have heard concerning this leave situation. It is also in this NAVADMIN message dated 011015Z OCT 97. I have never had it actually happen to me yet.

Dave Wahl


Science Project
Unless the policy has changed in the last 2 years, you will not lose any leave when you are commissioned. I had 40+ days going in, and 50+ days coming out.

Just take your "use or lose" before 01 Oct.

Finally, I don't think you can sell back your leave under these circumstances.
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