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Enlisted vs. Commission question


New Member
This is my second time posting and i've spent a considerable amount of time reading posts on OCS packages. Basics are your ASTB score, PRT, GPA, letters of recommendation/references, Medical physical etc... My GPA is locked in at 2.521 degree in business management, haven't taken my ASTB yet but I scored a 92 on ASVAB and have taken practice tests and feel confident about the ASTB. PRT (not official test) 1.5mi. 10:30 push-ups 52 sit-ups 84 and working on improving them. Only issue with medical are my eyes at 20/40 (right) 20/50 (left). I am running my enlisted and officer packages at the same time and can not be shipped out for enlisted side in march until I find out whether I have gotten in to OCS or not.

Here is my dillema I didn't know that it is very difficult to become an officer from the enlisted side before I already committed. So my package is a one time shot before I ship for BT in March. FYI I enlisted for Aircrew to become a flight engineer. My recruiter told me that I would be able to transition from enlistment to officer if I did not get in to OCS. Trusted him and went with it. Obviously now after reading many of the posts I am concerned with not getting in to OCS before I get shipped out. I need to get my package put togethor as best as possible. Which leads me to my question, other than what I've already stated what extras if any should be put in to my package to be submitted to the board that may give me an edge. Example clubs that I've been involved in, volunteer programs, wrestling career etc... or will all the extra stuff clutter up from what the board really wants to look at.?

P.S. What scores on the ASTB should I aim for with my GPA being passable at best?


Internet killed the television star

I have no idea what boards look for but having done the E to O route myself, it's not easy. If you're working on an OCS spot and that's your ultimate goal, I'd strongly recommend not going in as enlisted. You can always enlist later on, I'd say get your package together now and see what the boards say.


Active Member
I am running my enlisted and officer packages at the same time and can not be shipped out for enlisted side in march until I find out whether I have gotten in to OCS or not.

If you have the ultimate intention of becomming an officer, avoid the enlistment. Just remember that until the day you step on the plane for boot camp the navy has no real ties to you. Don't let a recruiter bully you into enlisting. It is hard, although with persistance not impossible, to become an officer after enslisted but would be better for you to go officer first. If you enlist their is no telling how long it would take for your command to back you up and help you get into OCS. You could go to a cool command and they could hook you up right away and help with your package, or you could get stuck at one of those dreadful commands that want their year or two of duty out of you before they even consider options for you. That is my $.02. :)


New Member
....and if you're in the FE pipeline you're going to be in school quite awhile before you hit a command where you might get some support for your package.

You're in DEP, not in yet. You still have to raise your hand once more before you ship. I suggest if OCS is your desire, you pursue that and drop the E side for now.


"I live vicariously through myself."
I too was a prior enlisted, aircrew for 5 years. I am now out of the navy, a college graduate, 25 and just now going to be in the October board for pilot. If you already have your degree (which it sounds like you do), do not enlist! The only reason I enlisted was because I could not afford college and enlisted for the college money. Do not listen to a recruiter who tells you the shortest path to a commission is by enlisting. I'm telling you right now that once you enter boot camp, your primary goal is to get through boot camp, aircrew school, and then FE school, and that is all the navy will care about. They will not even entertain the option of you applying for an officer program until you are to your first operational squadron, trust me. I've seen it before. If you can avoid enlisting, definitely avoid it at all costs, at least until you try the OCS application process.



New Member
Thanks for the advice guys. I knew that if I go in to enlisted side it would be at least 2 if not 3 years before I could resubmit my package (recruiter informed me of this). The idea of enlisting in the first place was to prove myself in FE school due to my dismal GPA in college, and then get a year of experience in the air. That being said, I have every intention of submitting it before I get shipped out in March. I'm planning to submit the december board. In worst case scenario I do not get accepted to OCS on the december board, should I fight my enlistment and then try again to get in to OCS or should I get experience and prove myself on the enlistment side and then resubmit at the age of 26-27? I'm thinking long term and ultimate goal is to be a pilot.


"I live vicariously through myself."
Thanks for the advice guys. I knew that if I go in to enlisted side it would be at least 2 if not 3 years before I could resubmit my package (recruiter informed me of this). The idea of enlisting in the first place was to prove myself in FE school due to my dismal GPA in college, and then get a year of experience in the air. That being said, I have every intention of submitting it before I get shipped out in March. I'm planning to submit the december board. In worst case scenario I do not get accepted to OCS on the december board, should I fight my enlistment and then try again to get in to OCS or should I get experience and prove myself on the enlistment side and then resubmit at the age of 26-27? I'm thinking long term and ultimate goal is to be a pilot.

Well, it kind of depends how strong you think your package is. When you say a dismal GPA, how dismal are we talking? What are your ASTB scores like? What are your letters or recommendations like? Been in trouble with the law? If your package is competetive, by all means, keep trying for OCS. If your package is weak, perhaps a few years enlisted wouldn't hurt (only if you'll be aircrew, especially FE*). If you do well in FE school and then apply down the line, you will be a sure pick for pilot, standing out way ahead of other priors applying for pilot.
