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Registered User
This thing is gonna take me 2 yrs to complete! How accurate does it need to be (meaning dates down to the day)? Will they go in and mail and call everyone, or is this just in case they have to open an investigation on me for some reason?

What is the big picture on this thing? I've been at it for 4 hrs on this damn computer going cross-eyed and I haven't put a dent in it yet! [:!]


Ed Williams

Registered User
Really, it took you that long! Mine took me on;y about 6 hours to finish the whole thing. Make it as accurate as you can. There were some things on mine that i couldn't remember and my recruiter told me it was no big sweat. good luck.


Registered User
What about middle names and unemployment periods (when I was a student during college)? There isn't a student selection, so would I be unemployed?



Registered User
You need to be as specific as possible. Because, if they start lookin and find you have left stuff out, what are they to think? Then the questions will start. Of course they talk to everyone and your brother. All the people you list are a kind of a stepping stone for them to lead to others. And of course, the depth of the investigation is goin to be to the level of access you are gonna have.

Dave Wahl


Registered User
So do I need to be letting the people that I put down know that a gov't official will be calling them on my behalf?

Also....do they do this check before the board will even look at my package? What if they call one of my old roomates while he's in Europe for a month and a half?



Registered User
I put down everyone at my church, and they haven't ever said any government official called or visited them about me. And they would probably remember...very small town.

A posteriori

Dave Shutter

Registered User
When they actually do the EPSQ investigation depends on your designator. If your an Aviator they don't do it right away, I've heard from some people that they may hold off on it until you actual get to an operational sqdn. If your an Intel, Crypto or Nuke you can't commission w/o it. I guess because it's required for their follow on training where that's not the case with API and Primary. You'll see people agonizing over their forms in the OCS computer rooms from time to time because they have to fix things on it before graduation. As for how much of a pain it is to fill out, depends on you; how many different jobs, adresses, schools have you been to. Three references for each!
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