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Falant test hope


Capt. America
Ok, first I know that there are about 3000 threads about this, but anyway today I was driving down the street in Dallas at night and I saw these lights hanging up on a post like stop lights, anyway and the lights were red white and green and I could very easily tell what color they were, so now I have no doubt that I can pass the falant, but I just have 1 question about the test, how big are the lights? Thanks for the help


They're about the size of a pen (maybe smaller). If you pass the original test though you shouldn't have to take the FALANT. I missed one more than I was supposed to on the flip test and had to take the FALANT (at MEPS Dallas too) and it was pretty damn easy.


Capt. America
Well I can't do the pip test at all I get like maybe 6 right and that's if I guess a little, I can see colors fine like I can tell apart red and green but it's just those dots, I don't know what it is I just can't do it, in fact I think I've taken a version of the falant at my eye doctor, but u looked into a machine and told he what the colors were,
Got them all right


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
About this big:


-ea6bflyr ;)


Lost in the machine
I've taken the Falant every flight physical for the past 13 years and have had no problem passing it. Can't do the dot number things, I'm blue-green color blind. The Falant is a box with 2 small lights arranged vertically and they can change them between red, white and green. You just have to say "red-white" or "white-green" etc. The only difficulty I've had is sometimes the white looks a little pink. They give you 10 combinations during the test, takes about 30 seconds.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Falant is no longer made, the Optec 800 has replaced it. Supposed to be a bit tougher to pass. I've taken both and passed both, couldn't tell the difference. Most navy facilities still have the Falant from what I've seen.


Capt. America
ok so i was reading some more around the forums about the falant and i found this link to a medical sheet for the doc to follow when giving the falant here it is https://dodmerb.tricare.osd.mil/docs/dd2489.pdf, it says that if the person gets any wrong they take it 2 more times and the examiner averages the two together and if you get 2 or more wrong then you fail, im so happy i found this because now i know i will pass cause i will get to see what all the colors look like because for some reason im red and green color deficent but from the pictures online of the test the white and green seem to only be the issue but if i get the chance to see white AND green on the same slide then i will be able to tell them apart, i can tell them apart on street lights but the little lights are kinda difficult so ill be fine, any advice or corrections about this form?


Well-Known Member
If you fail the FALANT, you REALLY are color-blind and shouldn't fly. If you pass, you're good. Why sweat it? It's SOO easy, even for minorly color deficient folks, that if you fail it, there is NOTHING you can do to fix it. Don't worry about it.


Super *********
Super Moderator
You're not necessarily color blind (very rare) if you fail it but like Otto said, don't worry too much about it. Of course if you can't pass it then maybe there is an issue and flying may not be in your future. Remember, in the Navy, you only have to be color safe, not color normal. That's why the AF does not accept the FALANT/Optec 800 as you have to be color normal and the light test allows for something like 28% or those with color vision deficienies to pass.


Well-Known Member
I just see something like this akin to worrying if you're tall enough to ride the rollercoaster. You either are or you aren't. Not much you can do to change it either way. I understand your anxiety if you are somewhat color deficient, I'm just trying to put it into perspective.