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FBI Investigating $50M Air Force Contract


Registered User

Absolutely mind boggeling, how the FU%K can 50M be justified for speakers, let alone the fraud?

"The work subsequently was put out for bids. Shipley's company initially was awarded a five-year, $49.9 million contract to "provide audio, visual and concert quality sound production presentation" on the Thunderbirds."

You could build a factory to produce speakers for less than this. :icon_rage


This is why I can't get into Grad School
The article did show that the contract was terminated, but still showed that the USAF paid "$1.9 million for work that had already been done."

What the hell work would justify $1.9 million let alone $50million? I want to see that $1.9million speaker system. I bet you still can't hear it over the jet blast anyway. Holy Crap! Thats the AF for ya.


Well-Known Member
They waisted 20 million dollars to build a restroom on the Golf Course at WPAFB only to have it not end up to code. This stuff sorta happens in the Air Force.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Lawman said:
They waisted 20 million dollars to build a restroom on the Golf Course at WPAFB only to have it not end up to code. This stuff sorta happens in the Government.

There you go. :D



Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
There was a AF guy who got commissioned last week... at the Tri-Service ceremony his billet was listed as "Cost Analyst".

We all scratched our heads on that one... I figured it was to justify spending obscene amounts of money on F-22s... but obviously they're in dire need of some help.

I still don't understand what they bought... speakers? I mean who cares if they have a soundtrack for their jet demonstration team. Should their flying not be awesome enough to keep us entertained?


Ask me about ninjas!
"Cost Analyst" huh? Sounds a lot like "Money Launderer". Must be nice to know that you've got some civilian opportunities out there with Jimmy "Two Fingers" Fratelli.


Super Moderator
Brett327 said:
They wasted 20 million dollars to build a restroom on the Golf Course at WPAFB only to have it not end up to code. This stuff sorta happens in the Government.

There you go. :D


You could not be more correct. It is sad to see all the money that is wasted on BS in DC, it makes you want to go postal (I finally have an inkling of how those guys feel.....:D ). Often times I think back to how we scraped by in the squadrons sometimes and it really saddens me. This is not a suprise at all, they just got caught on this one. Though I seriously doubt they will make a couple of Generals (ret.) pay like they should........:(