Hi everyone. This question goes to people who have been through API or are waiting to go to API. I am going to be an Officer not too long from now. My designator is SNA. However, I am afraid that I might be kicked out of the Navy because of my in-ability to swim. Nowadays I heard that they are kicking people out left and right for little reasons. I hope that I will not be a target.
My question is that what do they do with people like myself. Far from a mile, I probably can't even make one length of a pool right now. Treading, forget about it I go down like a rock. So is there any chance of me surviving API after I commission or am I going to hit the street?
I am pretty good at academics and PT, will those matter at all when they consider attriting me? I am sorry but I am just worried. Unlike most people, I don't even know any survival strokes they talk about. Just freestyle and without any efficiency. Boy am I gonna get it.
My question is that what do they do with people like myself. Far from a mile, I probably can't even make one length of a pool right now. Treading, forget about it I go down like a rock. So is there any chance of me surviving API after I commission or am I going to hit the street?
I am pretty good at academics and PT, will those matter at all when they consider attriting me? I am sorry but I am just worried. Unlike most people, I don't even know any survival strokes they talk about. Just freestyle and without any efficiency. Boy am I gonna get it.