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Feeling stuck...Letters of Recommendations


New Member
I am currently in the process of finishing my packet for OCS, Supply. I grew up in a military family yet they are retired and have been for 20 years. I have tried to be a part of FB groups, Linked In, and other sites to connect with Naval Officers, and other Navy members to learn more about OCS, Navy, and Supply. Due to not being in the military previously, it has been hard to find the connections. Any advice on how to find connections or how other non-military could get letters of recommendation from Naval Officers?


Making Recruiting Great Again
I am currently in the process of finishing my packet for OCS, Supply. I grew up in a military family yet they are retired and have been for 20 years. I have tried to be a part of FB groups, Linked In, and other sites to connect with Naval Officers, and other Navy members to learn more about OCS, Navy, and Supply. Due to not being in the military previously, it has been hard to find the connections. Any advice on how to find connections or how other non-military could get letters of recommendation from Naval Officers?
Why are you needing LORs from military members?

LORs can come from professors, managers, etc. who can back up your work.

Don’t overthink this.


New Member
I have been getting LOR from non-military but the recruiter and others, O1's I have spoken with when I go to the office have said it is best to get LOR from Officers O4 or higher.


I am currently in the process of finishing my packet for OCS, Supply. I grew up in a military family yet they are retired and have been for 20 years. I have tried to be a part of FB groups, Linked In, and other sites to connect with Naval Officers, and other Navy members to learn more about OCS, Navy, and Supply. Due to not being in the military previously, it has been hard to find the connections. Any advice on how to find connections or how other non-military could get letters of recommendation from Naval Officers?
I hate to tell you that an aspect of the application doesn't matter, but both of my LOR came from people without any military experience and I was selected as a SNFO, just do well on the ASTB/OAR and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
I have been getting LOR from non-military but the recruiter and others, O1's I have spoken with when I go to the office have said it is best to get LOR from Officers O4 or higher.
The board looks at LORs as people from your life that have a genuine, honest opinion about you and their relationship with you. Who have been the mentors in your life? Who have inspired you, made you work harder and longer? Who are the people responsible for you being in a position to apply for a commission in the U.S. Navy? THOSE people, and their insights about you will go much, much further than some random O4 you came across trying to chase the "Oh my God, I need an LOR from an Officer!!!"

Make sense?