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Few questions regarding sta-21


HM8406 in Training
First off my name is Robert, and I am leaving for Great Lakes on the 22nd. After that I'm off to HM-a school. I have a few questions regarding sta-21.

- How important is your high school gpa? I'm not exactly sure what I had, but I know it wasn't great. ~2.0 I think. I was not motivated and just didn't push myself when I know I was easily capable of more than a 3.5.

- I also did four years of MCJROTC, will this be any advantage?

- How much college should I start before I put in a package? Should I wait a few years to build up some college credits before applying or just apply right off the bat, and keep applying until I am accepted?

-What are some good books to check out? I am getting To Be A U.S. Naval Aviator as soon as its available at Barne's and Nobles.

I can't think of any other questions right now but I probably will, if I do i'll just edit this post or make a new one. Any advice/criticism (smack in the head for hs gpa) is appreciated.


Below Ladder
Hi Robert, Welcome to the forum. To start off, if you haven't, check this compilation of threads out, it's got a few different links to threads about STA-21 and enlisted applications etc.

As to your specific questions, I'll let Scoob or Brett chime in. From a completely ignorant standpoint (mine), it appears to me that what is most important is your COs letters, and your performance as an enlisted sailor. The program is also supposedly highly competitive, but don't let that stop you.


HM8406 in Training
Hi Robert, Welcome to the forum. To start off, if you haven't, check this compilation of threads out, it's got a few different links to threads about STA-21 and enlisted applications etc.

As to your specific questions, I'll let Scoob or Brett chime in. From a completely ignorant standpoint (mine), it appears to me that what is most important is your COs letters, and your performance as an enlisted sailor. The program is also supposedly highly competitive, but don't let that stop you.

Awesome. Thank you. Well its getting late, so i'm off to bed. Good night all.


Hello and welcome to the board. Good luck at boot camp.

The short answer to all your questions, is that there is no "right answer". However, some generalizations which may help....

The more you do and excel as an enlisted guy, the less and less important your high school transcript will be. The highschool GPA is an indicator of your ability to succeed in a college environment. If you have kicked the hell out of your professional education in the Navy, done well on your SATs, and generally set the world on fire, you can show them that you can, and will succeed in college. Additionally, explain to the board in your personal statement why you were an underacheiver in high school, and even more importantly, why you are not now.

The other thing that you can do to show the board that you mean business is to take, and do very well in some college classes. This again, speaks to your ability academically. I'm not sure what classes you took in high school, but it might serve you well to take some college level mathematics. First, this will help you when it comes time to take the SAT's...but second, it will show the Navy that you have the chops to meet one of the program requirements...a year of calculus and calculus based physics.

You JROTC will not help you at all...Not that it wasn't good for you at the time. As far as books go...search is your friend. We have a very long thread going about this....


I hope this helped, and as I said, good luck at bootcamp.