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Finally got word!!

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Registered User
So the official word is no, but after some prompting, urging and string pulling, i got a shot again.

i got my look for SNA, and even supply both of which shot me down

After a few calls were made, i got a final decision of "pending" which means that i will need to resubmit in Dec with my grades from this semester, and provided ive improved them ill have a slot.

Now begins another wait

<insert something witty here:>


Registered User
Good luck, Jay. Keep your eye on those wings when you're studying for your exams this term--I know I will be. :)

Chris Tessone


Registered User
Jay: I went and looked at your stats, I think something else that is killing you is your ASTB scores. You might want to grab the marine study guide and give that a hard study and retake your ASTB and resubmit that prior to December and that will improve your package, and show determination.


Registered User
I agree with ghost. Study the shit out of that Marine ASTB and the ARCO book and try again. I'm sure you will do better.
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