Tricare does not cover any long-term care costs.
The VA has some long-term care options. I suppose there are some hoops that must be traversed, but you might be able to suss that out before you need it.
I can't tell you how many times families would bring Grandpa into the ER saying "We can't do it anymore". The expectation was that I would admit him to give them a break, find him an amazing assisted living facility, and after all the family was consulted, visited the facility and concurred with the choice, he would be transferred into that facility where he could live out his life at no cost to them, and all would be wonderful. Sadly, unless an acute medical condition was present, he probably wouldn't even be admitted, and he'd be back at home that night. Even if I could get him admitted to treat something acute, the "length-of-stay" clock starts ticking as soon as he gets admitted, and I was expected to get him out the door as soon as that problem was addressed. When they found out that the only assisted care facility with available memory care beds was going to cost them $8000/month, and Medicare paid exactly nothing, things got quiet fast.
Figuring this out before it becomes a crisis is key.