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Fired for not making human quotas....


How do you fly a Clipper?
There's got to be more to the story, right? [Loss of confidence...] seems like a more legitimate reason to relieve him than not meeting quota goals. Then again, I don't know jack squat. :D


Registered User
If people don't come in and sign up, how can you make them....???

Well, there is the idea that you go out an find them. Bring the message to schools, get the recruiters out where the potential recruits are.

You are right, there is probably more to the story. My bet would be that he was allowing his recruiters to simply wait around for recruits to come into the office instead of getting after it.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Well, there is the idea that you go out an find them. Bring the message to schools, get the recruiters out where the potential recruits are.

You are right, there is probably more to the story. My bet would be that he was allowing his recruiters to simply wait around for recruits to come into the office instead of getting after it.

Of course, they do that.

My point was what if they just don't come no matter what you do...you get fired?


Active Member
........ If people don't come in and sign up, how can you make them....???

By bullshittin' em of course! Recruiting is an extremely stressful and demanding job, probably even more so currently than in the recent past.

Evals/Fitreps are directly related to production numbers, which puts recruiters under a ton of pressure to produce qualified-(ish) bodies at the cyclic rate. Worked with a guy who did a tour in Brooklyn at as Navy recruiter who told me he was the only dude in the office who did not forge at least one HS transcript in order to put a warm body on the bus to Great Lakes. They also had in-house piss tests just before sending recruits off.

Maybe the good CDR refused to allow his recruiters to operate under a lower code of ethics thereby causing numbers to suffer. Maybe he sucked as a leader. I really can't speculate either way, but if people were just walking in the door to sign up, we really wouldn't have any need for recruiters at all.


Well-Known Member
CDR Pieseski is as good a man as they come. If he were my TACCO I'd plot a course straight to Hell if that's what he wanted.

He inherited a broken command and did his best with it. All this speculation is just that, speculation.

Let me set the record sraight. The numbers just didn't come in and he was held accountable. Could a different CO have made goal? I seriously doubt it. There is nothing more to the story.

Having served as his legal officer I can tell you that he is as straight a shooter as you will find and there is nothing more to be found out.

If you have any theories, I would appreciate it if you kept them to yourself. If you have any questions, you can pm me and I will do what I can to help you out.

The man is a true Airwarrior and his playing a crappy hand that he was dealt. Let's give him he respect we would want ourselves.




Well-Known Member
The Navy Recruiting District Denver CO was relieved for not recruiting enough people....:eek:


Is there more here than meets the eye? If people don't come in and sign up, how can you make them....???

Welcome to the reality of every day at my job. Yes the economy is down sharply. Yes Automotive sales have dropped off 30% in the last month. But if I dont pull my weight and still sell what was the expected number of cars this month as six months ago I may not have a job come the first of next month.

Like it or not Recruiting is a sales job. Hell one of the guys I work with was a Navy MH-53 Crewman and later a recruiter for the last quarter of his Navy Career. Its no wonder he's also a very good car saleman.


Solidly part of the 42%.
CDR Pieseski is as good a man as they come. If he were my TACCO I'd plot a course straight to Hell if that's what he wanted.

He inherited a broken command and did his best with it. All this speculation is just that, speculation.

Let me set the record sraight. The numbers just didn't come in and he was held accountable. Could a different CO have made goal? I seriously doubt it. There is nothing more to the story.

Having served as his legal officer I can tell you that he is as straight a shooter as you will find and there is nothing more to be found out.

If you have any theories, I would appreciate it if you kept them to yourself. If you have any questions, you can pm me and I will do what I can to help you out.

The man is a true Airwarrior and his playing a crappy hand that he was dealt. Let's give him he respect we would want ourselves.



I don't know the guy who was fired, but if somebody is willing to stand up like this for him, then I would listen.

Recruiting is a mad dog world. It changes people. Even the best can be reduced to dust in recruiting, especially when the full bird is looking to make an example out of somebody. There is also the degree to which the command was missing mission. If your command consistently underperforms not only the standard (as many are), but underperforms everbody, well...


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
How are the recruiting standards they need to reach each month generated?

Is it specific to the geographical area/demographics, etc???


Just a tidbit, as far as my Officer Recruiter is concerned, he told me he only has to get 4 people in a year. I'm sure it has something to do with his location -- MS.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
RS COs get fired all the time for not making mission, is this really news?


The Navy Recruiting District Denver CO was relieved for not recruiting enough people....:eek:..... If people don't come in and sign up, how can you make them....???
You can't --- you have to recruit people who "will do jobs that Americans won't do" .... :D


La légion étrangère des Etats-Unis? :icon_tong

Naaaa ... the Legion's good .... more like this:
