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Flat Feet

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Registered User
I've heard that flat feet isn't a problem for getting into OCS and on down the aviation pipeline. I've also read elsewhere here that they check for that. What's the final say on this? Can you get in with flat feet?


Registered User
I know of someone DQ'd for flat feet due to complications the doc said he would have with running. However, he had problems with running before applying. I would think if you can run and do other activities normaly than you'll be ok.

By the way, where in Brooklyn are you from?


Registered User
I don't have any problems running, my feet just get really tired when I'm on them all day.

I'm originally from the Coney Island area of Brooklyn but don't live in NY anymore.

What problems did your friend have with running?


Registered User
Hey, Im from Bensonhurst. What HS did you go to? Anyways about the flat feet; my friend had problems with his knees and shins because his legs would absorb the impact improperly, in short he is unable to run long disances repeatadly without promising long term damage according to his doctor. Considering the amount of running done in OCS and UPT it's not feesable. Hope this helps. Take care.


Registered User
If you have flat feet and you can run- then just lie about having flat feet. its just a white lie anyway. I know some one who did that and is now happy in the Air Force. Of course I dont think they run anywayJason- For three generations my family had a hardwear store in Boroughpark- where 14th ave. and Newutrict(sp) aves crossed at like 60th street. that right under Bensonhurst if I remeber right. I have not been there in like two years.
Semper Fi- LCpl O-man USMC


Registered User
I do experience pain from running such as shin splints, etc., but I think it's from not having been running on a consistent basis as I felt fine during college when I was required to run. Did your friend see his own doctor or did he see a military doc?

I actually went to HS in Manhattan. LaGuardia HS, the "Fame" school.


Science Project

I have found out the long and hard way that many lower leg problems (flat feet, shin spints, etc) can easilty be dealt with. You probably already know some of this, but I'll write it anyway: 1) Make sure you're wearing the right shoes - you probably need one with a straight or semi-curved last and that is built for stability or motion control. I use the Nike Air Structure Triax which works fairly will. They also have a new shoe (can't remembrer the name) that's supposed to be even better. 2) For the shin splints, try stretching your tibialis anterior(muscle on the front and side of your shin). Do this by getting on your hands and knees and then sitting back onto your heels. Stay there for about 15 seconds and then raise your knees up so that you are supporting yourself with your hands and the tops of your feet. It's a little uncomfortable at first, but it reaaly helps. Do this a few times varying the position of your feet (toes straight back, toes pointing slightly towards each other, toes pointing slightly away from each other). 3) Do exercises to strenghten the muschles in your feet and ankles and exercises to improve your balance.

Edited by - Jeff Bennion on 03/12/2002 12:52:38


Registered User
Military doc. I had shin splints real bad a year and a half ago before I went to bootcamp. I just had to run my ass of for a few months- it seems like forever, but they go away. Motrin IB (IV, IB- I dont know) keeps swelling down- I took that for a while. some people say it helps. Me, I have no idea if it did.


Registered User
Hey New Utrecht and 14th! Thats right near me. All the Gumbas hang around there :) About my friend and his flat feet again, he was checkt out by a regular doc and had his medical records reviewed by a military doc in which case he was DQ'ed. O-man are you a Pilot ? If not what do you do in the Navy. Maybe we can have lunch some time lol.

mavrikx22@hotmail.com is my e-mail.

Best regards all.


Registered User
WHOOOOO-Faaaaa.....I know you didt mean anything by it, but dont call me the "N" word. I am not in the Navy. I am a Marine. I am not a pilot yet- infact I am enlisted. I'm a rifleman in the infantry (Ooh Rah). I have OCS in june, TBS in Sept. then about 8 months later I'll start API I guess. You can click on people's names and pull up Bio's. on them. I remeber the Gumbas well- but I'm not inthat part of the country much anymore.
Semper Fi- O-man


Registered User
quote:I have OCS in june, TBS in Sept. then about 8 months later I'll start API I guess.

I didn't know that they couldn't find anything better to do for the Marines than to have them train at the Turner Broadcast Superstation. Just kidding of course

Edited by - dawgfighter on 03/13/2002 01:08:26
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