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Flight Physical

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Registered User
Can anyone who has already done the flight physical give me a brief on what it consist of, how long I should expect to be there, ect.?


I was there for about 8 hours. The day started for me with blood work and then a chest X-ray. Then they did a depth perception test and did my pulse (resting and elevated), blood pressure, and anthros. After that I had an EKG and met with a flight surgeon. After a brief lunch break, I went to the dentist and then to the eye doc, which is when I had my eyes dilated.

Pheidippides said:
Can anyone who has already done the flight physical give me a brief on what it consist of, how long I should expect to be there, ect.?


Registered User
I had to go back a few times but overall I would say it took about 6hrs or so. They usually do the cyclo last since you can't do much else when you're blind as a bat. I had the goodluck of getting a good doc to look over my record at the end so he ended up having to read this paper that you are supposed to check off.

The first day I had dental, second day I had the drug test and then they made an appointment for the hearing, eye and medical exam for the next day. A lot of it also depends on the the competency level of the folks working there. It was a bit of a hassle having to go over and over again but now its done and i'm good to go for TBS.


New Member

I'm an air contract and I just went through the normal MEPS physical, and then did the eye test with my own eye doctor at home, didn't take very long at all


OCC-169 Grad
PLC'er only need a Cyclo which you can get at any eye doctors office. However, OCC'ers need the full flight physical. Time it takes depends on where you go to get your flight physical. I hope that helps.


Registered User
Flight Test

I just got back from mine on Friday... it took roughly 6 hrs as everyone said... however they would have gotten me out of there in like 3 had everything been in order but someone forgot to schedule me at the clinic after my OSO had called repeatedly and I had a confirmation # and everything... anyhow, I was suppose to do the Cyclo first at like 0730 but when I got there at 0700 they sent me to dental and then to radiology so when I got back at 0830 they said it was too late to do the Cyclo and I would have to come back next week... I got on the horn to my OSO and he gave a nice ass chewing and they did the cyclo right then and there...YES the cyclo makes you blind as a bat for about 3 hours. Anyways, I had a cool Doc look over my stuff as well and it all went real smooth.
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