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Flying with the Marines or Navy

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Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

Im currently going through the OCS application process for the Marines as well as the Navy, with plans to enter one of the services with an air contract. I have looked all over the place for information that can help me in deciding between the two branches, but most of what I can find is either more than 10 years old, or biased from one side or the other.

Essentially I'm trying to figure out what the pro's and con's of flying with the Marines vs the Navy are. I know that they go through the same flight training, but other than that, what are the differences? How is life in the fleet and deployed different in each branch? Are the chances of getting a certain air frame higher in one branch or the other? What else should I consider when deciding between these two? I'll be attending NAMI in a month or so, meaning I'll soon need to make my commitment as to which branch I'll be trying to be selected for. I'm leaning towards the Marines right now because of the challenge that comes along with their OCS, as well as the fact that there is a certain appeal that comes along with learning about infantry tactics and boots on the ground stuff. However, I want to hear from people who have actual insight into the choices instead of just my preconceived ideas.

As far as my chances of being selected for either branch, I'm fairly confident in my scores/application package, so this is more about what the best choice is assuming that I am able to be selected by either branch.

Thanks alot for your help

(If i put this in the wrong section sorry!)

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
I'm going to cut this one off before the mob rolls in hot.

These exact questions have been asked many times. Invest some time reading the threads, especially the stickies in the OCS and flight school sections. Come back with any specific questions.

Welcome aboard, good luck, happy reading.
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