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Free "Flying Anvil" model to a good home....


Well-Known Member
This should probably go in the war zone, but I thought it migth more takers here. Fell free to move it if appropriate.

I would like to part with this model of the F-4. It was my first F-4 build, and while nice looking, it's is technically incorrect. It is a J model Mig Killer built on an S airframe. Again, sitting on a shelf or in a cabinet would still look nice.

If any old school F-4 guy would like it please PM me. I'm in Norfolk, VA and would love a face to face delivery to avoid any damage but will ship it knowing it could suffer a Class C Mishap.

Please PM me for any interest.





Dirty Hinge
When do we get the venerable P-3C Orion? Complete with fuel drips, blow-by stains, and handy-dandy red stripe!


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
I appreciate the thought. It is a beautifully well done and accurate model anyone would be very fortunate to own.

However I have enough F-4 models already. And it is East Coast; I am West Coast. :(


Crusty Shellback
I'll take it. Lol, It would look nice next to my F-4U. I guess I can be last resort if one of the old hands don't pick it up....It would be in good hands though.
I am in Corpus however.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
My grandson has thoroughly destroyed my F-4 model given to me by McDonnell-Douglas when I NATOPS qual'ed as a RIO. I would gratefully accept if is it's still available. I only have 500 hrs in the F-4, so I am likely not the most-deserving on the board, however.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
When do we get the venerable P-3C Orion? Complete with fuel drips, blow-by stains, and handy-dandy red stripe!
Concur! Enough TACAIR models! The most "important" (cough) segment of this website desires an Orion model in all its glory! :D I personnally suggest the venerable 764 in Skinny Dragon (VP4) colors!


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
It would have to be accurately rendered with aluminum foil over all the windows, sitting on the line. Where does this notion that if we just wrap a plane up in foil and let it sit for a while it magically fixes itself come from?


Now with even more awesome!
Concur on the Skinny Dragon livery.

And for Websan: we've got a paint scheme in the works for our CAG bird that is gonna be the envy of the Orion fleet. . .if we can actually get approval to do it.