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FREEBIE Subscription to both Cleared HOT and HeliOps


Well-Known Member
Morning All,

Hope everything is well in the world of Naval and Marine aviation.

Just a heads up for everyone that we have now gone totally digital with all our publications so as a way of saying thanks to everyone we are giving every member of the HeliOps forum a freebie subscription to both Cleared HOT (military helos) and HeliOps (Civil Helos).

All you need to do is sign up on the forum and then every time an issue comes out we will email you the link via the forum where you can download the latest issue of either mag.

The link to the forum is http://www.heliopsforum.com

Thanks guys and please pass the info around to all your squadron mates and friends.




It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
This comes highly recommended. Not spam and well worth signing up for.


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
Minor note: Marine Corps aviation IS a part of Naval Aviation, just not NavY aviation.

Not a big deal, but for some reason that always bugs me.


Well-Known Member
Armada - Sorry about that, didnt know that fact being a Kiwi (person from New Zealand) but I stand corrected. No slight intended.

Just a heads up for everyone that the offer for the freebie sub closes off in 48 hours so may want to expedite joining the forum if you want to. When you join you get freebie subs to both our civil helo mag HeliOps and also Cleared HOT which is our military one.

