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Ft. Bragg CO bars Brigade CO's wife from unit functions.


Solidly part of the 42%.
This was a big deal 6 weeks or so ago on a board that my wife hits up sometimes. The article talks about an investigation being done to see if any careers had been adversely impacted. I think we know one career that doesn't take an investigation to know that it will be impacted. The spouses organizations are in fact strange lands which should be observed at a distance.


Well-Known Member
"Wives' Clubs", or whatever they are called now, can be a tremendous asset or a tremendous detriment to a unit.


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
I have heard it referred to as the 'knives club' by more than one female aviator...

Im sure that doesnt accurately describe most spouse organizations, but I'm sure a few bad eggs have done their fair share of damage...


Super *********
Super Moderator
Seriously, any wife that thinks she holds the rank of her husband can go fuck herself.

Absolutely!!! How many times has my wife seen that bullshit lol Had a wife one time call to chew her out for not doing a task in which she was assigned. Needless to say, it didn't go well for that particular wife as my wife opened up a can of whoop ass and that was the end of my wife's days with the knives club.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
My favorite quote was from the wife of an O-4 who told another Mrs Hinge she didn't think it was appropriate for them to socialize with the "junior officer wives".


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
I've told my wife to tread carefully among the knives club. I don't know how my squadron's is, but I've heard some don't take kindly to DINK wives who aren't homebodies. We'll see.


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
Army Times said:
In March 2009, before the brigade deployed, all six battalion commanders serving under Brian Drinkwine’s command went to his office together to talk to him about his wife. Brian Drinkwine dismissed their complaints and told them that the relationship between his wife and their wives was a senior-to-subordinate relationship. Drinkwine repeated that his wife speaks for him.

That's the point where those six battalion commanders should have voiced some serious concerns about their brigade commander's fitness for combat command. I can't imagine facing a combat deployment having just found out that the CO will completely disregard a recommendation that all of his subordinates feel so strongly about that they come to him together on it.


In transition
I've told my wife to tread carefully among the knives club. I don't know how my squadron's is, but I've heard some don't take kindly to DINK wives who aren't homebodies. We'll see.

This can be a HUGE issue in the wive's clubs that truly are Knives clubs.

In Colin Powell's book My American Journey he tells a story about when he made Brigadier General. According to the book the Chief of Staff of the Army gathered all the new one-stars together. One of the first things he said to them was for them to look around and that only half of them will make Major General. Of the half that don't make it, half of them it will be because of their wives. So 25% of one-star generals wouldn't make two-star because of their wives! Then Gen Powell reflected on a story from when he was a Lt. Col, I think, and the base commander, a one-star, let his wife run amuck with the base facilities and wives clubs. He was relieved of command.


Seriously, any wife that thinks she holds the rank of her husband can go fuck herself.
Abso-fuckin-lutely !!!


The OWC was the single biggest point of hate & discontent while we were on Cruise ... and the origin of much harmful gossip and broken marriages ...


Really old guy
My wife refused to participate in the OWC for that very reason. Once I got my own unit, she helped organize a unit based one, and then stayed away from running it. The group voted to see who would be the head dudette; turns out an HM2s wife did a very nice job.

All this stuff is so much BS....stuff being rank having anything to do with a club. Jarhead is right.