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Future Pariahs of America

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Kills me that a mother would have so little self-respect as to use her daughter to commit fraud...hopefully the sponsoring store is keeping an eye out for those tickets on eBay.

68 Chevelle

MM1 Nuke->FY08 STA-21 NFO Selectee
What kind of values and morals does that instill into your young child? This is horrible, I wish that the mother could be prosecuted for fraud, or something along those lines. I will bite my tounge from further comments since I have lost friends in the sand box, and a stunt like this prays on the heart strings of those who actually care about the people lost over there, and takes advantage of a false situation! I need to stop typing now... I'll let others vent on the issue.:icon_rage


Professional (?) Flight Instructor

Wow. I mean.. Hannah Montana? Really?

Christ in his heaven. What is the world coming to. I read that article, then all of the other ones on the current news list. How fucking depressing.

Happiest time of the year, my ass.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Mother of the year (and her attention-whore lawyer and pshrink) were on Today, giving one of those sorry-but-not-really speeches. The gist was "It was wrong, but my daughter really wanted those tickets".


Well-Known Member
Mother of the year (and her attention-whore lawyer and pshrink) were on Today, giving one of those sorry-but-not-really speeches. The gist was "It was wrong, but my daughter really wanted those tickets".

It's things like this that make me wish that SIDS didn't affect infants, but rather terrible mothers.


It is a shame that they caught on before the concert. Because she didn't use or sell the tickets it is unlikely that she will be charged with anything. If she had used or sold the tickets it would be theft by deception. I wonder what the face value of the tickets is? If it was high enough or if she had sold them on E-bay at an inflated price then it becomes a felony. Nice move by her lawyer, getting her on the Today show for sympathetic publicity.