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Future Planning - Early Flight Physical?


Air Padawan
As a freshman in college, I am looking PLC, specifically aviation. Is it possible for me to take a flight physical now, so that I won't be dissapointed later on and figure out they won't accept me? Im hoping that neither my eyesight nor hearing will be an issue so I figured if I could get a physical now, than I would know what to expect later on.

any ideas?

(by the way sorry this isnt specifically related to OCS, but I couldnt decide where else to post, thanks)


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
The military will only spend the money ona flight physical if you are a contender for a spot.
With that said are you concerened about your eyesight or hearing?- some gouge be well hydrated for the eye test, it helps. IF youa re concerned about hearing wear foam ear plugs for 24 prior so your ears are more sensitive.
Have you spoken to an OSO yet? Do so as soon as possible, I got my slot after my freshman year and even if you dont go to OCS this summer you have your foot in the door.
Good luck


Air Padawan
good tip on the hearing test, thanks. i know that i have good vision, and good hearing, i guess doubt just gets the best of you when it's in between you and your dreams. And yes I did manage to talk to my OSO, the biggie now is getting physically fit, and studying for the ASTB. Yet I still wonder what they're looking for in candidates for PLC, I guess it's pretty straightfoward though, test scores and fitness right :confused: