The not-so-friendly skies of Qantas/Sydney
Sydney Airport in the dark on "bikie" threat ... one dead.
Sydney Airport in the dark on "bikie" threat ... one dead.
What a strange place for bikers to stage a rumble. Or bikies to fix a bashing as the case may be. Is Australia a bastion of biker gangs? I have no idea.
What a strange place for bikers to stage a rumble...... I have no idea.
Yaa'll smile when you say that ... you're talkin' about my Aussie Grandfather ...this would never have happened in New Zealand. what'd you expect when you start a country as a penal colony.
Not exactly ... or don't yaw'll remember THIS:
The story is old but I've heard about the Aussie bikers before. Supposed to be bad, I think they emulate the Hell's Angels.