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General Hayden DCIA Confirmation Hearings


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I was watching some of the confirmation hearings on C-SPAN today and was really impressed with Gen. Hayden's opening remarks about the Intelligence Community and where he intends to lead it. I didn't know much about Gen. Hayden prior to his nomination, but he appears to have all his sh!t in one sock.


Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Brett327 said:
I was watching some of the confirmation hearings on C-SPAN today and was really impressed with Gen. Hayden's opening remarks about the Intelligence Community and where he intends to lead it. I didn't know much about Gen. Hayden prior to his nomination, but he appears to have all his sh!t in one sock.

That's a hell of cruise sock if it can do that too. :D


Back from the range
Worked for him for the last five years. Despite my ingrained dislike of the Air Force he's pretty damn good.


Mongo only pawn, in game of life...
Pugs said:
Worked for him for the last five years. Despite my ingrained dislike of the Air Force he's pretty damn good.

I've always thought a lot of his decisions and the direction he took the NSA, and I think he'll make an excellent head for the CIA. Whether the CIA embraces him, or whether they give him the Porter Goss Memorial Heisman (aka stiff-arm) remains to be seen.

One thing that I've known about for years relating to Hayden but haven't heard it come up at all is the whole Captain Amerika episode. It's pretty tawdry stuff, and there were a number of legal actions related to it - I don't know enough to separate the wheat from the chaff on this one, but I know a few people from the timeframe in question that generally support the story. I'm very surprised the tabloid media (print & TV) hasn't picked up on this. I'll let people judge for themselves:

The website is a major character assassination, but it also seriously implicated Hayden in some wrongdoing. Again, tough to judge the merit (or lack thereof) of the charges, but if nothing else makes for some fairly interesting Peyton-Place reading...


Super Moderator
FlyinSpy said:
I've always thought a lot of his decisions and the direction he took the NSA, and I think he'll make an excellent head for the CIA. Whether the CIA embraces him, or whether they give him the Porter Goss Memorial Heisman (aka stiff-arm) remains to be seen.

One thing that I've known about for years relating to Hayden but haven't heard it come up at all is the whole Captain Amerika episode. It's pretty tawdry stuff, and there were a number of legal actions related to it - I don't know enough to separate the wheat from the chaff on this one, but I know a few people from the timeframe in question that generally support the story. I'm very surprised the tabloid media (print & TV) hasn't picked up on this. I'll let people judge for themselves:

The website is a major character assassination, but it also seriously implicated Hayden in some wrongdoing. Again, tough to judge the merit (or lack thereof) of the charges, but if nothing else makes for some fairly interesting Peyton-Place reading...

That is a sad and pathetic site developed by someone who has way to much time on their hands and seems to be a little bent......Why encourage the idiot who developed it by posting a link to it? :confused:


Well-Known Member
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Flash said:
That is a sad and pathetic site developed by someone who has way to much time on their hands and seems to be a little bent......Why encourage the idiot who developed it by posting a link to it? :confused:
Yeah, I was impressed as well. Not only was I able to learn something about USAF office politics, but I was able to rub one out at the same time. :D What efficiency!

Seriously though, that site gives me some great ideas for how to broadcast the shortcomings of another female USAF reserve officer. A certain someone isn't going to make O-6 because of her, but I digress.


Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Flash said:
That is a sad and pathetic site developed by someone who has way to much time on their hands and seems to be a little bent......Why encourage the idiot who developed it by posting a link to it? :confused:
I guess my question is why quote the link if you're so opposed to the link? It only makes the rest of us more curious what the big deal is.


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RetreadRand said:
I don't think it so much is a character assasination on Hayden...(so what if he's helping out an old Booty call)..as it is a bitter person upset that this chick is still in the military...maybe she gave the author of thatwebsite the HIV and he is pissed off...
I was pretty impressed with some of the "content" on the site. Imagine if your co-workers could see you doing that kind of stuff on the internet - pretty embarrassing, but that's what you get for filming that kind of thing.



Mongo only pawn, in game of life...
Pags said:
I guess the webpage is down or something...I can't seem to see it

I'm actually surprised it was up at all. Several years ago when this was still a hot topic in the NSA crowd, there was some legal action regarding the website, and it was brought down; it disappeared for years, only findable via some creative Google cache searching. It wouldn't surprise me if the lawyers got involved again and had it brought down.

In any event, my referencing it here wasn't to bring attention to the nut case who was posting this info (although you have to admit it was simultaneously sad/amusing/frightening; plus, how often can I link to porn while discussing the nomination of the new Director of Central Intelligence? Throw me a bone here, people...). Anyway, I thought it was relevant that the man nominated for this post was accused of a fairly serious crime - having an affair with a subordinate. Last time I checked, this was still a no-no. Now, is there any credibility to the accusation? Tough to say based on what was on the web site, given that it was only a very small part of his overall rant against his ex-wife. But as I mentioned earlier, I've heard other gossip (nothing more, nothing less) referencing this event/accusation. I still think it's interesting that the tabloid journalist sector (Drudge, Smoking Gun, Geraldo, etc.) never picked up on it. Maybe they did and found no credibility to the accusation; maybe they missed it entirely.

All said, I still like Hayden and think he'll make an excellent Director. He's got a tough row to hoe, though - the CIA and the IC in general are fairly inertial bureacracies.

The Chief

FlyinSpy said:
I'm actually surprised ...

Rumors, especially the kind that tend to ruin someone's career are somthing to stay away from. Passing them on can often backfire.

Just my .02C.