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Getting a NROTC scholarship and going to a school other than your choices


New Member
I wanted to do as much research here on AW and other websites on all of the ROTC scholarships. I stumbled upon this link that compared all three of the scholarships. From what is says, you can attend ANY school if you're accepted for the scholarship. I interviewed with NROTC unit at the University of Utah (my first choice) and the Freshman instructor I interviewed with said that the Navy has the final say in where you attend college. I was wondering, is it REALLY true that you can attend anywhere with an NROTC unit with a scholarship?

Here's the link:



Well-Known Member
When I went through the process you put down your top choices and your package went to the board and they decided who got the scholarships and to where. I dont know if the school you put has an impact on you chances or not. Everyone of the 13 4yr Scholarship kids at my school got there first choice.


Well-Known Member
You put down your choices and the Navy decides which school to award the scholarship to. If you don't get into the school you're assigned to, you can request a transfer to a different school but it's not gaurenteed.


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
I know a bunch of people who have successfully transferred their scholarships after it being awarded to a school that wasn't their first choice, but I also know some people whose requests got denied. If it works for you, great, but if the Navy denies your request and you're dead set on a certain school, you can decline the scholarship, go to your first choice school, and do the NROTC college program and hope to get picked up for a 2 or 3 year scholarship there.


is clara ship
I saw a couple people transfer to other schools and keep their scholarships, but generally speaking those transfers were to schools with similar tuition rates (or less like guys who were out of state at my school and went back home to in state tuition later on).


Something witty.
I may be a weird aberration to the norm, but I was assigned to a school I didn't even apply to, University of Washington. I had to decline the scholarship (this was April '04), but I was contacted that October at A&M telling me that my transfer application had been approved...I never requested such a transfer. But, since they were throwing money my way, I accepted the scholarship and the rest is history!

So, moral of the story...well, there isn't really one. Just enjoy the strange tale of how I got my scholarship. :D


also, not sure if this is what you are getting at, but per the ROD, if you attend a school (non NROTC affiliated) close to another school with an NROTC program, there is some paper work that can be done which will allow you to partake in the program.

For instance, a student at another college near my college was able to participate in our NROTC program even though her school wasn't cross town affiliated.

Not sure if that makes sense, but the short of it is that just because you might not attend an NROTC host university or cross town affiliate does not mean you can't participate in NROTC.


New Member
When I got my scholarship back in 2005, it was to Univ of Washington...which was number 2 on my list. I ended up switching it to Ole Miss, which I didn't even have on my list to begin with. Switching the scholarship wasn't much of a hassle either. I'm not sure if the process has since changed though. Good luck!


New Member
Well that's unfortunate, I don't see why the Navy delegates where you go to school. Is it just to even out the size of units or what?


New Member
Well that's unfortunate, I don't see why the Navy delegates where you go to school. Is it just to even out the size of units or what?

I think a lot of it has to do with the Navy wanting technical majors - I remember there only being like 15% of the scholarships awarded going towards non-technical degrees or something like that back in 2005. So schools with higher amounts of technical degree programs most likely have more scholarship slots (or maybe just more people who apply for tech degree scholarships wind up going to tech schools). I went to Georgia Tech (engineering school) and we seemed to have a pretty large battalion compared to other non-corps of cadet type schools.

Basically I think it is just needs of the Navy.


New Member
Well Utah offers computer science ( what I want to major in) but from what you're saying just because I state that I want these two things together doesn't matter (more or less) to the Navy?


is clara ship
If you want to be a Naval officer and go to any damn accredited 4 year school you please, then I'd suggest looking into OCS and/or BDCP. If you want to do NROTC, find a school with a unit (or a cross town affiliate like torpedo mentioned) and go there. You don't actually have to start NROTC on a scholarship; it's called college program, and it's what I did. Picked up full scholarship spring term of my freshman year, along with most of the college program guys in my class. So there are some options, even if big Navy gives you the runaround initially.