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Getting my package together on a time constraint for march


Will Over Skill
Hey guys,

First off I wanna say a big thank you to all of those who helped me in my previous posts. Your information has helped a ton and I have been able to start getting my ducks in a row effectively for ROTC. Now I have a bit of a progression question for those of you who have got picked up on ROTC and it goes like this.

I am trying to apply for the 2 year scholarship OR the College Programmer option (IF I do not get the scholarship). The LT at my school said that time to start doing the package is around mid Jan and they are due in around March and that they would be more then happy to direct me on what I need to do. Now where the delima lies is this. My job is sending me out of town on business starting Jan 6th to Jan 30th. For those of you who have went through the application process. Particuarly the 2 year option or college programmer. What all is involved in the process?

From what I gather it is the application, interviews, PFA, and that is roughly it. I was wondering basically when in the timeframe from Jan-March does the interviews and PFA usually fall? I do not want to be out of town and miss my oppurtunity to get these things knocked out.. Or at least I can coordnate with a college nearby where I will be. Any help would be appreciated.


livin' the dream
I am trying to apply for the 2 year scholarship OR the College Programmer option (IF I do not get the scholarship). The LT at my school said that time to start doing the package is around mid Jan and they are due in around March and that they would be more then happy to direct me on what I need to do. Now where the delima lies is this. My job is sending me out of town on business starting Jan 6th to Jan 30th. For those of you who have went through the application process. Particuarly the 2 year option or college programmer. What all is involved in the process?

Unless things have changed since I did ROTC, to enter your Junior year as a College Programmer, you have to have Advanced Standing. This means that you did ROTC freshman and sophomore year, applied for the scholarship, did not receive one, but the military still deemed you commission-able and wanted to keep you on. For that, you need to talk to your ROTC unit.

As for the two-year scholarship, there are others on here who have done that and gone through NSI and can guide you further.



Will Over Skill
Sorry if I caused any confusion.. I am a sophmore and this is my spring sophmore year. So from what I understand I am elegible for the 2 year college program even if I was not affliated with ROTC yet


Will Over Skill
Blowing or not, it's first up on the list for me ahead of BDCP. Due to some issues I need to retake 2 classes in fall so my GPA is not on par with BDCP currently.. but I do meet the qualifications for ROTC. It's all about getting my foot in the door any way possible...

But if ROTC falls through. My BDCP package will be ready to go this summer.