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Getting through OCS

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Registered User
I am currently applying to become a marine aviator. If I get accepted I will be leaving for OCS this summer for the ten week OCS program. I heard there is a 40% wash out rate out of OCS right now. I was wondering why this may be? I am in good shape but am not sure if I am in good enough shape to get through it. Does anyone know any good strategies to get through it?
What should I expect the hardest part to be?
thanks for any responses!


Registered User
kwm522, I'm going this summer as well. A lot of my family is "career military" and they have told me this: they will ask you to do things that are impossible or near impossible. What they're looking for is an all out effort; they expect you to try different approaches and keep giving it all you have even if you don't succeed on the task at hand. 95 percent of it is in your mind and they're measuring your mettle. If you think you will succeed, you're right. If you think you'll fail, you're also right. Good luck!


Registered User
The 40% "wash out" rate is about one half from people that drop out along the way for whatever reason, and the other half from people that get hurt (shin splints, broken ankle...stuff like that).

As for what you can do to prepare:
1. Work out (and RUN)every day.
2. Read this website every day. Any question you may have, no matter how small, can be answered by someone on this site.


Registered User
2/3 or so of the people from my class who attrited were due to medical or non-performance reasons. Half of the 1/3 remaining DORed, the rest were basically unfit to be in the military, either mentally, physically, emotionally or otherwise. You will be amazed at the kind of people some OSOs have shipped out there.


Ok in case you haven't read this yet most people go home because of Medical(NPQ). Golf Co. this past summer had their #1 guy go home 3 weeks in a row why for medical of course. Don't get hurt before you go, or when your there. Don't be a cheesedick, but don't be dumb about your safety either.


PLC Jrs 1st Inc. Kilo-3
What would you guys say the number one key to making it through (surviving) OCS would be?
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