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Go for the minor? Or graduate 5 months sooner?


Busted Head
Ok... here's the deal. I already know exactly what I want to do in the Navy and how to go about it. Recently, I switched from a Physics major to a Mathematics major. I am set to graduate next fall if I work my butt off. But I only need two additional classes to graduate with a Mathematics major and a Physics minor.

The problem is, I can't take the Physics courses next semester (conflict of scheduling with the math courses I'm taking), next summer I am taking 3 math courses in a condensed semester (hard enough as it is... but might be able to take 1 of the two phyics courses), and in the fall there is no way I will have enough time... I will be taking Advanced Calculus 1 (which I heard is just plain brutal), numerical analysis, number theory, and my proseminar (which is an independent research project in which I must do original work in some field).

So, basically, I can either graduate in December of next year, or May of the year after. Normally, I would consider the minor a good addition to my package and I know it can only help my chances, but I am a married guy with a son who is currently living in his parent's house because it was either that or drop-out or take years longer to graduate.

Right now I have a 2.3 GPA (it's embarassing, I know... but I've gotten my ass in gear). I have 3 A's and a B (Calculus 3, Linear algebra, Modern Physics 1) this semester so I know my GPA will go up as long as I keep working hard. My wife is working and living with my parents is taking it's toll on us both.

If I go for the minor and take even longer to graduate... how much better is it going to make my package look? Is it worth it?

What would you guys do in my position? What (if applicable) did you do in your own situation?



Graduate later and inflate your final semester with classes to boost your GPA.

Not a bad idea. As an engineer I only need 2 more math classes to get math minor, but I don't see the purpose. Also I think my GPA would probably go down if I tried. You have a technical degree (at least I think math is considered technical), so usually that would be good enough. The only thing is that because your GPA is so low, an extra semester might help you. You could lighten up on the summer and possibly improve those grades by doing so. Your GPA has a larger weight than an extra minor in my opinion, but if getting a higher GPA means graduating a semester late, i'd probably go that way. And I mean higher as in at least .2 more, or if it'll put you over 3.0.


Well-Known Member
I had an option to declare a math minor. I had all the courses completed for it. You know why I didn't do it? Because I was a freaking ENGINEER. Who gives a shit about a math minor??

Graduate earlier. Minors are essentially useless.


Busted Head
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I do appreciate it. If it looks like my GPA is still lacking, then I'll go for those two classes and some fluff to bring it up more, but if it's around a 3.0 (which I expect it should be pretty close to by next year), then I'll just graduate with my math major and maybe mention the physics background in my letter.


Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
^^^ If you haven't taken quantum, take it...thats a real GPA booster there:rolleyes:. IMO, don't take more physics to get a minor for the reason otto stated. Also, don't put yourself through any more of the suck.


I have a minor. I can't tell you what it is though, that should tell you how many times I've needed to remember.
+1 again.

Minors are completely meaningless. I remember being really excited 4/C year because I could get a Nav Sci Minor with just 2 extra classes! Oh Boy!

Yeah, not worth it.


Busted Head
Lol, alright. I will not shoot for the minor unless I need to bring my GPA up even more after next year is over. Which I don't think I will. Thanks again for the suggestion, guys.


Well-Known Member
Minor = school gets more money + you don't get shit.

Scam much?

Biggest scam EVER is ERAU's "aerospace studies" major, which is basically a combination of 3 different minors.... so basically, outside of a VERY narrow job description, it is essentially useless, and the jobs it will get your either A. Only require a generic 4 year degree, and the degree itself doesn't matter, or B. Pay little more than a job not requiring a degree.


I HAD to do a minor, but I would not have if I did not have to. Luckily I had taken enough Math, that Linear Algebra, PDEs, and Calc 4 got me a minor so no biggie, besides I did not take foreign languages in college (Spanish is my first Language); so I was not scammed too badly.

If it is going to boost your GPA go for it, if not stay away...


Active Member
The one thing that I'm confused about when I read this thread - aren't you submitting your package in a few months? If so and you get the pro-rec, then your final GPA really doesn't matter so the fluff classes won't be needed to bring it up.
Plus graduating sooner means that you'll be getting paid sooner.


Well-Known Member
Ok... here's the deal. I already know exactly what I want to do in the Navy and how to go about it. Recently, I switched from a Physics major to a Mathematics major. I am set to graduate next fall if I work my butt off. But I only need two additional classes to graduate with a Mathematics major and a Physics minor.

The problem is, I can't take the Physics courses next semester (conflict of scheduling with the math courses I'm taking), next summer I am taking 3 math courses in a condensed semester (hard enough as it is... but might be able to take 1 of the two phyics courses), and in the fall there is no way I will have enough time... I will be taking Advanced Calculus 1 (which I heard is just plain brutal), numerical analysis, number theory, and my proseminar (which is an independent research project in which I must do original work in some field).

So, basically, I can either graduate in December of next year, or May of the year after. Normally, I would consider the minor a good addition to my package and I know it can only help my chances, but I am a married guy with a son who is currently living in his parent's house because it was either that or drop-out or take years longer to graduate.

Right now I have a 2.3 GPA (it's embarassing, I know... but I've gotten my ass in gear). I have 3 A's and a B (Calculus 3, Linear algebra, Modern Physics 1) this semester so I know my GPA will go up as long as I keep working hard. My wife is working and living with my parents is taking it's toll on us both.

If I go for the minor and take even longer to graduate... how much better is it going to make my package look? Is it worth it?

What would you guys do in my position? What (if applicable) did you do in your own situation?


It won't make a difference in your Navy career as far as fleet tours, but it (and grades) will potentially make a difference in getting selected for one of the Navy grad school programs, if that potentially interests you. You should also consider the benefit for "after the Navy", although your degrees will be old enough by that time that it might not make a difference.