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gonna be PLC junior question-

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Simba Barracuda.
hopefully i'm headed to juniors this summer, i'm wondering if i'll be issued stuff like gear and a military ID. don't really see how i'd get anywhere without that kind of stuff, but i'm unclear as to how that synchs up with the whole "you're not a marine until you're commissioned" deal.

more specifically, my OSO said i'm going to be doing something called "mini-OCS", basically OCS for a weekend. my OSO in boston, before i moved, never said anything about mini-OCS, so i'm not sure how many OSOs do it, or how common it is, but if anybody has done it, do you get issued gear and stuff for being there or do i spend the whole time in the same crappy t-shirt and shorts i wear to PT every morning?


Dean of Students
You'll get your full uniform issue at OCS this summer: 4 sets of woodland utilities. You'll get issued 782 gear and and an alice pack, e-tool, poncho/poncho liner, etc. from supply but you'll turn in all that trash after graduation...you really don't want to keep it, it's outdated junk. You don't get a military ID, you won't need anything like that until libo after week three, anb then you'll just carry your driver's license and a copy of your orders.
Pre-ship weekend is the little OCS you're referring to. It's just a chance for you to be exposed to a small fraction of what OCS will be like. You'll be put in platoons, sleep in squadbays, some staff from OCS will come and scream at you. I think you'll run a PFT and an O-corse or something like that. Basically you get your feet a little wet as to the culture of OCS. It's actually kind of fun and if you're new the Marine Corps I would definitely recommend it. Your OSO will try and get everyone some utility trousers and green tees for that weekend, they don't expect you to go out and buy that trash for one little weekend. Hope this helps, Doc


Registered User
i guess it all depends on how committed your OSO is to putting together a good "mini ocs". My OSO did an awesome job.

So far i have gone to one small weekend with just my OSO's guys. IN about a month, we are going to FT Benning in Jacksonville and about 7 OSO's are bringing their guys. DI's from Paris ISL. are coming down. Should be pretty "fun". At least it beats studying. :icon_tong

As far as gear goes, for my last mini ocs, i just bought a pair of camos, a couple of green tee's, and a pair of sweat pants. Other than that, its just whatever you can bring. Our OSO had us running quite a bit so a couple of pairs of shorts would also be nice. Overall, i found the weekend useful.


New Member
hey i couldn't go to my mini OCS before Jrs. cause of a final exam but i was fine its nice to go to but you will be fine at jrs. either way just don't be an idiot and u will graduate that, hopefully I'll go to our miniOCS this year before srs. just to see what its all about


Simba Barracuda.
i was told i'd be at miniOCS with a bunch of kids from florida applying to PLC, and they're making it out to be a pretty significant event, so i'm excited. i didn't even think about it messing with my finals schedule, though. guess i'll just have to work that out. still waiting on some paperwork to be able to submit my package, but i'm hoping i'll be good to go for this summer.
thanks a lot, all


Dean of Students
I can see why OSO's would treat it as a big deal. It's really the first chance to see you perform under some sort of pressure. If you flip out at pre-ocs there's good chance you'll flip out at real deal this summer and they're going to want to have a talk with you. It's really a good prep for this summer, if I remember the SI's taught some basic drill and how to properly report to staff members. It's fun and it just gives you a little confidence before you head down to Brown Field. Good Luck


Registered User
yeah, 3 years ago in Florida at mini-OCS some candidate literally went into the fetal position during pick-up (and this was only mini-OCS)

Which of you are going to Camp Blanding, FL for mini-OCS? This will be my 3rd round (going back to Sr's this summer!) The DI's they drive/fly down from Parris Island really only screw with you the first night, the next day you go on a 5 mile hike/nature walk and then do such things as a mini o-course, some land nav intro, and a class on fireteam/squad tactics. That night you have a BBQ from Sonny's, then the next morning you run a PFT then head home. It's really a quick weekend, but definitely helps adapt you a little to what life will be like at OCS (minus the BBQ!)


Registered User
I am going to the mini ocs in Jacksonville, Florida. I don't remember what fort its at. Its the first week in april. Thats all i know.


Registered User
yeah, you're probably going to Camp Blanding then (Stark, FL up near Jax). I'll be there with OSO Orlando.


Registered User
Cool man, I'll be there with OSO Tally.

I am still working on my run time so im won't be embarassed by all the other guys. I just banged out 22 pullups the other day :icon_smil So that part and the sit up part (122 in 2 min) is under wraps.


Registered User
yeah I just did a 340 super PFT (282 regular) last month. 23 p/u, 143 crunches, 20:55 run. Hoping Orlando will win the PFT competition this year!


Registered User
I am still working on my pft its one thing making me relucktent to attend since my pft is very very poor, i can knock out 110 sit ups easy, but the run and pull ups are far from even qauls. I just started on all this stuff 4 days ago. I am in jacksonville florida and got my mini ocs papers today, i will probly go but the pft worrys me since i am not ready for it.


Registered User
cool man, OSO tally has some pretty strong guys too. Don't be so sure about Orlando winning. :icon_smil Nothing wrong with some healthy competition though.

good luck.
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