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good decision on ERAU??


New Member
I have been doing extensive research on the web about Embry-Riddle and there new GI-Bill yellow ribbon program. With the credits I have earned in the Navy as an enlisted sailor and the classes and clep tests I am taking while in, I will have almost half of my bachelors in Aero Sci complete. Then once enrolled in Arizona I hope to finish my degree in a little over a year and a half with a good amount of flight time as well (at that time i will be 25 to 26 years old with 5 years prior enlisted time as an avionics tech). Then the following time I will go for my masters while continuing flight training and at the same time I will submit my OCS aplication(hoping to get a pilot slot) I have read alot into ERAU, and alot of people bash on the university, mostlly due to the expenses you accumulate while attending, which wont impact me thanks to the GI-Bill. Alot of people say ERAU is producing alot of young pilots with attittude, since now there tuition is so high that the only people that can afford to attend are rich kids. My situation will be different however, I will earn my degree and flight time through my time and contribution as an enlisted sailor. Any advice from anyone on whether or not my plan is decent? Or whether i should explore a different route.


Recovering LSO

Suck Less
It sounds like you have a solid plan in place. Though, I might punt on the masters and get the application process moving along sooner than later. You can pick up the masters on the backside. I wouldn't sweat what other people think about ERAU. If its the right fit for you, go for it. A word of caution though, you don't NEED the associated flight experience to get into OCS, and specifically a SNA/SNFO slot. If the associated flight experience is something that you really want, again, go for it, but realize it's not necessary - you can go to school just about anywhere. Biggest factor is going to be your grades.

Good plan. Don't let people get in your way with their opinions. Good luck.

late addition: remain flexible. If ERAU doesn't work out for whatever reason, don't get down. Again, pick the school that is the best fit for you, go there and get good grades.


Well-Known Member
As a Naval Aviator and an alumnus of the ERAU Prescott, AZ campus.... I don't recommend it. There are better ways.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Flight experience is not necessarily a plus. The Navy's going to hire you as an officer - that is, a leader-manager in a highly technical field. Not as a pilot. The Navy will train you how to fly and could care less if you already know how. They want to see that you're smart (or at least trainable) and have the discipline to get good grades while pursuing other activities (sports, clubs, student gov't, edit the school paper, whatever).

Likewise the Master's. You've got plenty of time to get that later on in your career and really buys you nothing now. And you're already going to be against the age limit for SNA - what if you don't get in on your first shot? Or they decide to discontinue prior-service waivers?

Point is, you can get the good stuff ERAU offers at many other schools, schools with wider degree options and maybe more 'you'. The flight time and Aero degree is great and all, but doesn't make you any more competitive for OCS or an SNA spot.

Put it this way - when I sit on a PRB, the first thing we look at after the pink sheets is that data card that shows your school, major, GPA and commissioning source. The two schools that make everyone roll their eyes and say "That figures..." are USNA and ERAU.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
It sounds like you have a solid plan in place. Though, I might punt on the masters and get the application process moving along sooner than later. You can pick up the masters on the backside. I wouldn't sweat what other people think about ERAU. If its the right fit for you, go for it. A word of caution though, you don't NEED the associated flight experience to get into OCS, and specifically a SNA/SNFO slot. If the associated flight experience is something that you really want, again, go for it, but realize it's not necessary - you can go to school just about anywhere. Biggest factor is going to be your grades.

Good plan. Don't let people get in your way with their opinions. Good luck.

late addition: remain flexible. If ERAU doesn't work out for whatever reason, don't get down. Again, pick the school that is the best fit for you, go there and get good grades.

Like I was saying. If its right for you, its right for you - just know what you're getting into and know that its not required - that is, unless YOU really want it.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
I stalked the shit out of OCS Board threads here, so FWIW, a technical major with a good GPA will be just as good as ERAU. And I have seen the "ERAU strut" as I call it, both in OCS and PCola. For some reason they are water walkers if they go there. I don't get it.

My advice? Go to a cool school in a fun place, pick a decent degree, and do well. Like Engineering at (name big school with hot women). You spent your initial fun years in the navy working you ass of, at least take their money and have some fun going to school. You earned it.


is clara ship
Alot of people say ERAU is producing alot of young pilots with attittude, since now there tuition is so high that the only people that can afford to attend are rich kids.

I don't think the bad name here comes from rich kids, as much as it does guys getting to the VT's and thinking that their Riddle experience somehow makes them better pilots than everyone on this end, and thus should not require them to study/perform/etc. Just like how it doesn't do you any good to roll into your commissioning source and think you know better than everyone else because you had some prior E time (not saying YOU would, just that others have with similar effects). Go into it with a good attitude like everyone has said, and you will be fine. I have known several Riddlers in flight school, and for the most part, they have done well. But these are examples of guys who had good attitudes, and still put in the hard work needed to learn this kind of flying (which is much different than any civilian flying or flight training experience).


If you are not the partier type, and are going to ERAU to focus on your academics, then go for it. You will get access to new equipment and a solid education. If you like to go out and have a good time DEFINATELY consider some other schools. The guys I know that enjoyed ERAU were the ones who didn't really want to go out and party anyways, so studying all the time and the 10 to 1 guy/girl ratio didn't bug them at all. Don't buy all their BS about how their degree is better than elsewhere. There are plenty of dumbasses with their hands on an ERAU degree. A guy in my OCS class had an aeronautical engineering degree and his private pilot certificate from ERAU and this guy couldn't tie his shoes without a buddy. Good luck in your pursuit, looks like you have your ducks in a row.


Well-Known Member
ERAU alumni here too and I don't recommend it either.

The "degree" you get for doing the flight program isn't worth more than the paper it's printed on.


Head in the clouds
I went to a pilot factory as well and also don't recommend that route. If you are dead set on getting the flight time and a degree it can be done cheaper and just as quickly by getting your degree (any degree at all) and then doing your flight training at a local FBO. If you choose this route do some research on the FBO first. Obviously if its right for you its than its right for you but not getting a technical degree or "practical" degree is my biggest regret of college.


Well-Known Member
I went to a pilot factory as well and also don't recommend that route. If you are dead set on getting the flight time and a degree it can be done cheaper and just as quickly by getting your degree (any degree at all) and then doing your flight training at a local FBO. If you choose this route do some research on the FBO first. Obviously if its right for you its than its right for you but not getting a technical degree or "practical" degree is my biggest regret of college.

The FBO route is all fine and dandy, but he is active duty and under the Post 9/11 gi bill they will pay 100% of flight training at a degree issuing institution. Also, as i am in the same boat, ERAU has the best credit transferability of most college out there. I am an AE1 and found there are few colleges that accept most of our smart credits into a degree program. ODU was pretty good but not as good as ERAU. What it all boils down to is do you have enough time before the age cut off to go to the college you want, or are you looking for the fastest route to that piece of paper and move on.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
The FBO route is all fine and dandy, but he is active duty and under the Post 9/11 gi bill they will pay 100% of flight training at a degree issuing institution...

Or, go wherever you want, major in whatever you want, and get the government to pay 100% of your flight training and a pair of shiny gold wings to boot.

What you say isn't a bad point for someone who's getting out of the Navy and looking for undergrad and flight school. If you want to go that way, I guess ERAU is good as any other. But the OP was asking about ERAU as a means of getting to OCS and the flight program.

So, to sum up: if ERAU itself is what you want - the school, program, location, architecture of the buildings, whatever - appeal to you in and of themselves, then sure, go for it. The 9/11 GI Bill is giving you a full ride, and it's not a bad education. Just don't go there thinking that it's the best, or even a superior, route to getting your Navy wings. Flight time and Riddle paper doesn't make you a shoo-in for Naval Aviation, and it's just another school as far as the Navy's concerned. The bad reputation its graduates are accumulating in the Navy (and in civil aviation too, from what I hear) is not due to a "snotty rich kids" attitude. It's just that more than a few have shown up in Pensacola with a vastly overrated opinion of their own aeronautical skills and experience.


Solidly part of the 42%.
I won't speak to the ERAU/Flight/OCS business, but...It sounds like you're going to transfer a lot of credits. Make sure to check on your future institution's requirement for how many credits you need from the home institution to graduate. It'll be around half. It could mess with your time line.


New Member
First off, thank you to everyone who replied. All of the advice and info is very good. I know that going to another school other than ERAU and getting your license at a local FBO is cheaper in most cases, however all my flight time will be covered in my GI-Bill. As far as me thinking that ERAU will get me into the Navy, that is not the case at all. I know that it will take alot more than prior experience and a piece of paper to get in, I am willing to do whatever it takes to become a Naval Aviator. I am volunteering for community service and also making contacts for my LOR's when that time comes. I want to show people that I am not just a prior enlisted ERAU grad who thinks they are superior to others. I want people to KNOW that I am dedicated to the Navy and Naval aviation, that everything I have done in my life professionally inside and out the Navy I have done with my greatest effort. I strive everyday to be the best, and thats not being superior, thats just pride and determination for success. Also, ERAU is working with me alot due to my sea duty schedule while enlisted, which helps alot. Once all my GEN ED classes are done(which I hope to have completed before i get out of the Navy) I will then have all my aeronautical science core and electives to do. That is where i know my GPA will remain competitive, because all those classes are of great interest to me and I know i can do very well in them. My goal is to maintain a 4.0 through my time at ERAU. Thank you again for all of your advice.