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Good News

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Registered User
hi everyone,

i just heard from my recruiter today that i was selected off of the BDCP wait list. my reporting date was also moved back from 13 june 2003 to 26 july 2003, i'm not sure why. I had been on the list since the end of april so it took a solid 3 months of waiting. to all of those out there on the wait list, just hang in there you'll get it sooner or later. for a while i doubted that i would ever get it but i guess patience is a virtue. best of luck to everyone.



Registered User

thanks. i'm studying civil engineering at lehigh university in bethlehem, pennsylvania. my gpa was 3.79 when i applied in february but it dropped to 3.09 for this past spring semester due to some hard as hell classes. my prt scores were nothing outstanding, 80s on situps, high 50s on pushups, and the run in the 10 minute range. i honestly don't remember my test scores since i took the ASTB in january, but i did study the marine corps study guide which helped immensely. i also called my recruiter a couple times a month to find out where i was on the wait list and if i moved up and generally just to let him know i was still very interested.

hope this helps a little, if there's anything else you'd like to know about my experiences with the application process feel free to ask.


Adrenaline Rush

Registered User
cool man, sounds great to me, im applying now i have 3.7 gpa majoring in aeronautical science, my prt is pretty close to yours , hopefully i will get the same deal as you...did you get a sna slot??


Registered User
I believe that it is a national list. Further, I am told that if the Navy gives you BDCP you will get it; at some point. That is to say, you may be on the list for months, but eventually you will get it. Also, the Navy is wants you at OCS ASAP, because during the time that you have graduated-to-your-OCS date, you will receive a pay check. Therefore, they want to get you butt down to P-cola, thus freeing up your BDCP slot.


Registered User
yeah i have a SNA slot. i applied for the civil engineers corps as my second choice but got rejected. i think you're right that its a nationwide wait list. i'm also pretty sure you're right that if the navy puts you on the wait list, they'll be paying you eventually. what does confuse me is that i graduate on may 18 and i don't have to report until july 31, because i also heard that BDCP'ers usually join the next available class after they graduate. either way, good luck to everybody.



Registered User
all the calsses will be in the 50-60 range.

Is that good or bad? I would figure that a larger OCS class would create more opportunity for me to stay off the DI's shit list.


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
It depends on if you get the Roq. I was never on my DI's shitlist. But of course he was actually pretty cool to us. I was on the Chief's list for a while...some comment I had made about his daughter. Oh well.


Registered User
I was on the Chief's list for a while...some comment I had made about his daughter.

Nice work!!!


Registered User
Hey all

When did everyone start appling for a SNA slot. I submitted in late january and obtained a slot in late february. However, one of my buddies who has the same GPA, PRT, and is PQ has to wait almost 16 months for his slot. He had his paperwork in about a month ago

GPA 3.5, 80 push ups, 102 sit ups, 8:57 run


Registered User
Hey jim. How long did it take you to get off the BDCP wait list? I am graduating ERAU in June03 and going for a SUPPLY/SWO/AMDO slot. My recruiter said the OCS dates for those aren't real booked (as most folks want to be flyboys) He told to expect to go to OCS around July/03 to AUG/03. Man i wished I went to college first. Now I feel like an old guys here and I'm only 24.


Registered User
Watch it, us "old guys" (25) aren't old, we're just seasoned and experienced. Questionable as to what some of us are experienced in.
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