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GPA drop in BDCP?

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PLC Candidate
What happens if your GPA drops below the required level (2.7 i think) while in the BDCP program?


PLC Candidate
Thanks Patmack.
Im starting my senior year in HS and am looking at different kinds of financial aid. I have no intention of getting a low GPA but I am interested in majors that can be very difficult and you just never know.


Registered User

Here's a good website that has a lot of info. regarding BDCP and Navy Officer Programs. I hope it helps & good luck!




OCC 191 Select
Yeah, I looked at that website but it seems to me that it is a bit outdated. First, now for the PFT you need to run in a minumum of 12:30 not 13:30 and as far as I know you need a 3.0 GPA not a 2.7. Can anybody clarify this? Thanks.


Registered User
And there's also a pretty long national waitlist to get into BDCP.. As far as I know at least, this is just what my recruiter told me, I swore in around the end of March and he expects me to get off the list around the end of this month or early August. I think another board member he swore in around February and just got off the list earlier this month.



Registered User
krocdawg, if you don't mind, what is your major? I too am hoping to get picked up for BDCP, but my recruiter says that chances are slim do to the waitlist. Even so I am about to turn in a 3.9-4.0 GPA in hopes of getting on the list. My major is Peace, War, & Defense at Carolina.


Registered User
I'm a Logistics & Transportation in the Smith School of Business here at Maryland, I have heard the waitlist is pretty long, but hopefully I'll eventually get off of it, my recruiter is pretty confident since he said I was the only guy here in our area that is on the list and trying to get into BDCP. Hope this helps!



Registered User
Hey guys- the GPA is 2.7 for most programs others are 3.0. What is this waiting list everyone is talking about, I have never heard of this. Just to put this out, if your recruiter is telling you this you might want to ask him to prove it, becuase he might need to fill his quota in another field. I am not saying this is whats happing, but I would rather get what I wanted and not what the recruiter says is the best way to go.


Registered User
Which gpa is used to determine your ranking in the wait list? Is is the one given when you intially apply or is it the most recent gpa?

By the way, here's how my recruiter explained the BDCP wait list to me. It really confuses me, so if anybody else can fill in the gaps feel free. The way the previous BDCP worked is that there was a nationwide wait list based soley on GPA, major, extracurricular activities and such. Now the specific job designator is taken into account, and the BDCP money goes to the fields in which the Navy has a short supply of applicants first (supply corps, intelligence, etc.) followed by the fields in which the Navy has tons of applicnats (aviation and civil engineering are the only two that come to mind). He said that the wait list is a multi-tier system with each designator assigned a letter A,B,C,D,E and that only after all the applicants from one designator are getting paid, will the aviation applicants move up in the wait list. From the way I took it, aviation was the next to last group to get onto BDCP. I believe he said nukes and supply were in the first couple groups.

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