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Great news!

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Registered User
Hello all! I haven't kept up with the forum for a couple of weeks but got great news to post. I just got my acceptance for a SNA slot. It came on 9/11 at 9:00 in the am. What a crazy day to find out the news. Also, I got the BDCP. For all those patiently waiting , I think there was about two weeks between the time they received my kit and the time I heard back.
For all those wondering here are my stats:
-GPA: 3.67 in chemical engineering
-AFVT: 6's across the board with a 56OAR
-Fitness test: 11:01 1.5mi., 60push-ups, 80sit-ups
-Letters of rec. came from professors
-35 hours flight time
-Didn't pass depth percp. at meps and had a consult with
my optometrist who wrote a note saying i'm good to 20seconds arc

I'm psyched beyond imagination. I didn't get the rest of the details yet but I grad. in Dec. of 2003 so I'll be in FY04 class. Good luck to everyone else out there.

By the way, does anyone know if the flight physical you receive when starting OCS is the only one you get before beginning API, or do you receive another physical after OCS and before API?

Adrenaline Rush

Registered User
damn your stats are almost identical to mine,, i put my package in a week ago,, where are u from?? anyways congratulations, i know how psyched you must be ..just curious will u still take school very seriously now that you know your in and just need a 2.7?

Edited by - Adrenaline Rush on 09/13/2002 11:34:45


Registered User
Congrats! When are you going to OCS? I was just selected a little over a week ago and I'm trying to find anyone else who's going to OCS on Jan 15, 2003. Congratulations!



Registered User
Rush, I go to the University of Pittsburgh. As far as grades go, I spent alot of long nights and early morning keeping my GPA where it is. I'm not planning on kicking back until i'm out of there. Well, maybe I'll slip a little more beer drinking into the schedule now. My recruiter dropped me an email letting me know I made it. He went out of town the following day so I have to wait until monday to find out the rest of the details. I wasn't expecting a response so soon. The word was 4- 6 weeks. I think it was about 12 days since my kit arrived that I got the response. Rock on!


Registered User

The only reason you got accepted is because I paved the way for chemical engineers. Just kidding, man! Congratulations! Flying sure beats the hell out of process design.
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