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Gulf of Tonkin Incident-August1964

The Chief

A-4s - Is that how you remember it? - You WERE there right?:)

It is very very correct. Was on several Desoto patrols in period. Indeed, we operated out of "Vans" lashed to the fantail of the DD's.

Fash back, I remember a radar phenomenon whereby NVN surface search radars would receive echo on second rotation of antenna, ergo target appeared 1/2 distance. Example: they would report range as 10 NM when actually we were 20 nm out.

Think about 5 years before A4's time.:eek: :eek:


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Thanks Chief for posting that NSA article. Fascinating reading! It’s a rare privilege for the casual reader to ever get a peek - and in this case, a very in-depth one - at the complex and covert SIGINT goings-on, especially involving such a historically significant and often controversial event.

Although told only from the SIGINT perspective, it comprehensively tells the whole story. And it's surprisingly easy to read.

The astute reader will see many lessons to be learned, on a number of levels, from this report.

I enjoyed comparing it to the Naval Institute article (h/t A4s) The Secret Side of the Tonkin Gulf Incident. The NSA report both supported and contradicted some elements of that article. But mostly it filled in a large number of gaping holes. Thanks again.


A-4s - Is that how you remember it? - You WERE there right?:)

You're the smart guy. I'm just an old man. What do you think???

Are you STILL looking for a fight???? ..... or are you just challenged in the "humor" department??? In any case, before I get into a fight ... I always make sure I can win it. I'd make sure you can win it. You gotta know when to hold 'em, etc., etc.


...Think about 5 years before A4's time.:eek: :eek:
BZ ..... Thanks for the post and the information, Chief. You are a good man. And you are more of a gentleman than some of the purported "officers and gentlemen" who theoretically breathe the same oxygen as you and I and others ... :)


.... What were McNamara's redeeming qualities?



Oh yeah, I forgot, those Edsels were some classy chassis, even without a bent eight, they couldn't lay a patch but they were made in the shade...

The Chief

Quote ... Fascinating reading! It’s a rare privilege for the casual reader to ever get a peek - and in this case, a very in-depth one - at the complex and covert SIGINT ... End Quote

Reading this stuff out in broad daylight still make me twitch. Will get over it. It took me months to get over "Blind Man's Bluff", although BUPERS had sent me a letter giving permission to talk to Sontag and Drew (they never contacted me). I was fortunate to be involved in so many events including the GOT Incident. Some that have been declassifed are:

Grabbing film cannisters jetisioned by LEOS using the C-130 (what a grand aeroplane).

Loitering in impact area of Soviet ICBM tests from TTMTR to mark exact location for later pickup of nose cone by Glomar.

Early collection using SR-71 platform.

Early-on employment in 1967 version of FLIR in the "Whale" (A3D1).

Outrageous submarine operations.


I was in the right place at the right time, along with some "luck of the draw":eek:

We get together each year (Cryptologic Vets Association).