Hey guys, hope you can help.
I have a very complicated situation on my hands, but I'll try and keep it short.
I've been pro-rec'd NFO, cleared by meps, background and prt. I am finished with everything, but I cannot get a final-rec due to age. I'm 26 and turn 27 on April 20. No NFO ocs dates until July. I've been put on standby for the Jan 9th date, but have to wait for an NFO applicant to drop out or decide to wait a few months.
I've gone through pretty much every avenue possible to make this happen. The OPO, Aviation Program manager, and a few recruiters know my situation, and are all on my side, but I'm striking out every time.
-I've applied for a waiver and it was denied. Basic by the rules: "only priors are granted waivers. If you are not, we are sorry"
I can't be added to the Jan 9th class due to numbers. (i got far, but the program manager in Millington said he just couldn't do it).
So if anybody has actually gotten an age waiver being a Non-prior, please post up or send me PM. It seems as if there is a little glimmer of hope with the waiver, but I need some guidance as to how some other have attained one. I'm running out of time!
Thanks for any help.
I have a very complicated situation on my hands, but I'll try and keep it short.
I've been pro-rec'd NFO, cleared by meps, background and prt. I am finished with everything, but I cannot get a final-rec due to age. I'm 26 and turn 27 on April 20. No NFO ocs dates until July. I've been put on standby for the Jan 9th date, but have to wait for an NFO applicant to drop out or decide to wait a few months.
I've gone through pretty much every avenue possible to make this happen. The OPO, Aviation Program manager, and a few recruiters know my situation, and are all on my side, but I'm striking out every time.
-I've applied for a waiver and it was denied. Basic by the rules: "only priors are granted waivers. If you are not, we are sorry"
I can't be added to the Jan 9th class due to numbers. (i got far, but the program manager in Millington said he just couldn't do it).
So if anybody has actually gotten an age waiver being a Non-prior, please post up or send me PM. It seems as if there is a little glimmer of hope with the waiver, but I need some guidance as to how some other have attained one. I'm running out of time!
Thanks for any help.