I don't think pilot jobs are advertised on the company website. Basically the Chief Pilot along with a pilot hiring committee decides who gets interviewed. I.e. son & daughters, friends in order of the sponsor's seniority/likability, those with the most current Hawaiian pilot LORs and then everyone else. I somewhere in there (probably after sons & daughters) will come some Aloha pilots.
Our application process is basically fax your resume to the Chief Pilots office and then have you buds walk in a give a recommendation. I don't believe we've ever had a online or formal application procedure.
Our CEO did say in an interview with a local paper that we are immediately hiring 12 pilots and 35 FAs. The actual numbers will be much higher. I'm hearing 82 pilots by the end of the year. Since we only have about 350 now, that is a significant number.
Edit: Well I was wrong...it is on the company website:
https://www3.ultirecruit.com/HAW1000/JobBoard/JobDetails.aspx?__ID=*C0D02C39C1B1B3FC But the best way is still what I said above.