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HD and squeeze love Cherry Point


Super Moderator
Yeah, I hear the same thing about Cherry Point.........wait, that was me and it's TRUE.

Yuma rocks, though.

Can you expand on Cherry Point? I may have an opportunity to take a set of orders there, but I know nothing about it... Thanks!


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
Can you expand on Cherry Point? I may have an opportunity to take a set of orders there, but I know nothing about it... Thanks!

Ya... Don't

To expand though...

  • Way too close to the flagpole. Read into that how you will.
  • Largest MCAS in the world -- worst base gym I've ever seen. Sh-tty facilities all around, but the movie theater was just remodeled, so it may be nice now.
  • Havelock, NC... miles away from nowhere
  • You can live down by the water or up in New Bern, both are 30 minute commutes, and neither have any infrastructure (shopping, etc..) to support all the housing being thrown up. Of course the housing market is fairly cheap here, but at the rate of expansion I'm curious to see how much it will go up in value vice just sprawl.
  • Not much to do -- a lot of the cool outdoors stuff in NC is in the western part of the state from what I've seen. Granted, you can do a lot of water-related activities, so buy a boat.
  • Wx sucks, limited range space, no live ranges - hope it's not a flying gig you're after.
  • Lots of rednecks, no zoning to speak of in most areas (sure, park that double wide next to my $200k house), blue laws galore (don't bother trying to do anything on a Sunday)

On the upside, it doesn't smell like manure like Lemoore. What a pleasant warm summer breeze that was.

Not being a fan of the east coast to begin with, my view of CP is probably a bit biased. Harrier Dude can throw his two cents in, as he's been stationed here longer than I. There are several other CP guys on here with varying views I'm sure.

/PCS ahoy!

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
Can you expand on Cherry Point? I may have an opportunity to take a set of orders there, but I know nothing about it... Thanks!

Squeeze pretty much nailed it. The basic problem is one of command atmosphere. Micro management is the norm. And by that, I mean way more than the rest of the USMC/USN. Wing and base pretty much sit on you 24/7.

Some examples off the top of my head:

1) No driving to leave destinations during hours of darkness.
2) X/C requests about a week in advance must include actual aircraft loadout for the flights, down to LAUs, tanks, pods, etc (next to impossible to know a week out for maintenance)
3) ATC nazis from hell. Must request permission for absolutley everything, even when VFR. Longs holds on deck awaiting "VFR clearance" common. Also extremely long waits for t/o due to option traffic on the parallels (thanks E-2 dudes from Norfolk!!!). Generally pilots work for ATC, instead of the other way around.
4) Simulator access is restricted like access to the White House command center. No common sense applied.
5) LAT conducted at 1300 feet!!!!!
6) Constant knee-jerk reactions to every crisis. New rules appear weekly and for no reason.

I don't know if any of this applies to your possible job there, but this certainly will:

7) Airspace. The R5306A and W122 are probably the most dangerous places to fly on Earth. Despite ATCs "need" to tightly control everything in the air near CP (vectors when no traffic is in tha area and CAVU), the ranges are all MARSA. No enforcement of area common freqs. VERY common to have a division of A-10s blast RIGHT THROUGH YOU FLIGHT in the R5306A without a word on the radio. No response from ATC. This would almost be palatable if the target complex was worth a sh!t. VERY limited selection of targets. Inert only. VERY restrictive run-ins and LTLs. Pretty much not worth more than a raked range.
8) Weather. In short, it blows. Low clouds and reduced vis are the norm, not the exception.
9) Traffic. Crowded pattern and ridiculous noise abatement (mainly Bouge field OLF).

What would you be doing there? That would help me tell you more about what you'll hate there. If you're not flying, and LOVE the ocean/boating/etc, you might like it there. As long as you don't mind driving forever to get to any place that has more than a KFC.


Super Moderator
The C-2 community is thinking about sending a guy there to fly the V-22 for a few years to give feedback on it's suitability to replace the COD. I've been thinking about putting my name in the hat for it. The idea is that the V-22 can do about 80% of what the C-2 does now and would add several missions to the community. The preference would be to buy a new airframe (The C-2B) but we know how the development cycle is with that kind of thing and the availability of funding these days. The V-22 is already an operational platform so it may the choice that the Navy goes with. The Analysis of Options on the C-2 replacement should be in this month and that will determine if this is really an option.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
In that case, you'd most likely be in New River vice Cherry Point. Many of the same points apply, but not as bad. Good luck!


Super Moderator
In that case, you'd most likely be in New River vice Cherry Point. Many of the same points apply, but not as bad. Good luck!

Gotcha. Like I said, it is just an idea in the community right now and obviously we have plenty to learn. The CO of the Osprey FRS gave a dog and pony show to one of the planning groups and they all fell in love with it, so if the Analysis of Options comes back saying the Osprey is the way to go, then its on. Thanks for the info!

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
I can only imagine the break altitude there... how many heads would simultaneously explode if you asked for the carrier?

Ironiclly, it's 1500'AGL. I have seen only 1 plane ever get the carrier break there, and it was the MAG CO in a Prowler at 5 bills. I saw it from the ground, so I'm not sure he "got" it as much as "took" it.

Asking for anything non-standard will make their heads explode.