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He Shoots, He Scores...

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Registered User
Hartman is in...

Application for pilot submitted end of June. Acceptance received on July 10. OCS date is Oct. 26, 2002. I guess I received an '02 slot. Don't ask me how this happened. My recruiter told me that the CNRC couldn't award me any other OCS date that wouldn't cause me to miss the age cut-off.

Here's my stats. in case anyone is looking for a comparison:

OAR = 42
PRT: 11:40 run, 82 push-ups, 100 curl-ups
GPA = 3.6 (chemical engineering)
PRK waiver
Letters of rec. from college professors and bosses at work.
No previous flying time


Registered User
Congrats Hartman!

Just goes to show you they do save a few spots here and there for special cases. If you were 22 or 23 years old(im assuming you actually are 25 from your profile) you may have got an OCS spot sometime next year. My situation was similar to yours.

Believe me folks, If someone submits a packet to CNRC and that meets all requirements but they need to be commissioned by a certain date, they will get you in. They arent just going to pass you up because you are approaching 26 and you have to be commissioned by 27 for SNA.

Congrats again and good job. Ill have about 8 weeks under my belt when you get there. Good luck and take care.

I like to see the older guys get a break now and then being im one of them.


Registered User
Congrats Hartman, I'm guessing that you are 26, I believe the cutoff is 27. That has to feel great, again Congratulations.


Registered User
I thought you had to be commissioned before you turned 28. I'm 26 now, and I'll turn 27 during OCS. I know several Marine Aviators that got commissioned at the young age of 28 and they still were able to get their wings.


Registered User
as long as you are under 27 by the time you get commissioned you are good to go.

check out page 3 of the link below


Edited by - RC on 07/12/2002 09:13:34


Registered User
Thanks guys. I wasn't going to give up, and I wasn't going to believe everything I heard. I had one recruiter tell me that I shouldn't bother applying for SNA because, according to him, there were ABSOLUTELY NO MORE SLOTS until '04. Yeah, whatever, dude. I think I'm living proof that if the CNRC wants to pick you up, they'll find a way to do it, even in hard times.

For the rest of you who are about to apply...don't believe any of that sh*t about there not being any more slots. Go for it.


Registered User
Hey guys,
Just got selected last week! Never thought I'd make it after all the crap I had to go through, but truly, persistance pays off and I'm glad I didn't give up.

OCS Sept. 03. A drag, and if any of you can give some advice on how to get to OCS quicker I'd appreciate it.

Good luck to all of you going to OCS, and to everyone with thier applications pending.


The pastures are greener!
Super Moderator

Actually you have an 03 slot not an 02. Any class that graduates OCS after Oct 1 of this year is an 03. Remember fiscal year not calendar. Also, The Navy is short 50 sna's this year so put in your packet. I am in ocs now and become a Candy' O tommrw. 11 weeks down 2 weeks left.



Registered User
Hey pal good work. I'm the new guy and also a PRK guy. Give me some advice. How much of a struggle was it to to get the waiver? How did the eye test go in the medical? If time permitting give me some info on your post ops exams like vision and any problems so i can comepare my PRK progress. I'll be picking you brain....thankx Patrick
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