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Heading to OCS in...

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Registered User
As of July 4th, I'm headed to OCS in nine days. I'm flying down there on Saturday and I thought I would stay in a Hotel for the night and then show up around ten on Sunday morning. However, I found out that I have to go to the base after my flight arrives in Pensacola. So now I'm confused on what exactly will happen. Will I just hang out on the base or what? Plus, do they let taxi's on the base?


Paul Burke

Registered User
You can take a taxi to a hotel out in town from the airport if you want to or you can go straight to the base and spend a night in the BEQ. That's what I recommend personnally. They put you up in a suite and you have some time to get a feel for the base before getting started. All you have to do is go to Building 633 and get your orders stamped and then go over to the BEQ and get a room. They only charge $17 a night too so if you are short on cash upfront then it works out great. You get reimbursed up to a certain point for travel expenses anyways.
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