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Heard Anything Back

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Registered User
Well its been about 3 weeks now and no word on my appl.... Has anyone who has packages out heard anyword of prorecs or non-selects. Please post if you have... :icon_mi_1


contemplating applying again...
well, you already know my story from usnavyocs.com... i haven't been able to get a hold of my recruiter to get the straight story.


Final Select for Supply - 23 Apr 05 class

Are you waiting for your pro rec or final select?

I was actually doing quite well in this waiting game for a while until my recruiter called me and told me in the beginning of December that I was pro rec'd. Now I'm staring aimlessly at my cell phone waiting for it to ring...


Registered User
jeff, Im still waiting on a pro-rec from the only community I applied for (Supply). My recruiter told me he thinks a Supply board will be held in late jan/early feb, I hope they hold one sooner, if not, I'll be madder than a three legged dog trying to bury a turd on an icy lake.. :icon_smil let me know when you guys hear your pro recs and finals..take care


The future of the Supply Corps
That's an interesting brand of frustrated Leegator, though I feel your pain. My package is in for Supply BDCP, as well, likely a Fall/Winter 2006 slot, so hopefully I will hear when you do. I hope the gouge is right about the next board being end of this month/beginning of the next, because I'm going crazy waiting. I guess it's good training for my first cruise, though. :D


Registered User
I just looked at the NavyOCS.com web page and people are talking about supply board meeting in a week or so, that would be great if so...


I think I have posted this on other threads, but it can't hurt to do it again. I handed in my application for BDCP Intel/SWO/Supply on December 16th. A board was just finishing by then, and my recruiter told me applications were being collected for the next one until February 7th. My recruiter hasn't led me astray thusfar, so I assume the information is accurate.


Ok...well this stuff can get soo confusing. My recruiter just called me and told me negative on SWO...and that the intel and supply boards were meeting the first week in February! Sorry for the misinformation.


Registered User
A, whatsup yall. I also had my package sent in about a week ago. I also applied for Supply & Aviation Mechanic officer. Clear something up for me; is it a 2 step selection process (the pro rec & final select)? Also if you guys get the final word, are yall leaving ASAP, cause we all might be down in Pensacola at the same time. By the way: Joe Davis, Chicago, IL (Southside), 26 years old (I know I will be the old guy, so just call me Pops).


Registered User
I had my package sent in for final select on Friday and found out this morning that I was selected for SNA and NFO. The wait will be 18 months. I didn't expect such a quick decision.


Registered User
just talk to recuiter and he said " NO WORD" the wait continues............on &on &on & on & on &on ........... :sleep_125


Leegator, by what I read of your posts, your package probably wasn't viewed at the last board. They have a date where they collect all of them by, you probably missed it by a few days. But the next board will be meeting soon, first week or so in FEB, so don't get too frusterated. I'm in that pool too. So it wouldn't make sense for your recruiter to have information when you weren't in the last board and the next hasn't met. Hang in there.
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