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Height limits?

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SNA Meridian
I can't tell you what the height limits are for sure. I amguessing you mean SNA...student naval aviator. I can tell you that I am six foor four and I passed all the requirements to be a pilot. I am sworn in as an SNA with OCS Aug 2 03. They measure you in several ways...sitting height, from hips to top of head while seated, arm length, length from hip to knee. I don't know for sure what all the measurements are but like I said I am six foot four and I had no porblems. Hope someone else has more help for ya

Drive Fast Take Chances



Registered User
Hey I'm 6'4" too but going in as an SNFO. SNA was my first choice so during the application process I talked to a doctor at NOMI. I gave him all my measurements and he said I qualified for everything but Prowlers. I've heard of some people having to fight to fit into the T-34 but perhaps someone else has details. It all really depends on your individual measurements, not so much your height.


Registered User
I am 6" 5 3/4" and I made it, by a 1/4 inch. The standard is no taller than 6" 6" added into the other items listed by goose. I had to crank the seat all the way down in the T-34 to fit.


SNA Meridian
My stats where
Pilot FAR 8
BI Pilot 5
OAR 57
I also am a flight instructor with around 300 hours flight time, I think this helped
My PRT scores where not very good. My recruiter just said be able to do 50 and 50 and run in under 1330 so I didn't really get in shape for it
push ups 55
Sit ups 65
run 12:30

Good luck

Drive Fast Take Chances


Registered User
Thanks. My application will be submitted next week and I am already starting to get jittery. I'm trying to get an idea of what they are looking for so I can ease my fears.



Registered User
i am in ocs right now and i am 6'6 the flight sergeon here at pensacola told me i am single pipeline for props. too tall for fighters and too tall for helos. i imagine this would be the same for anyone of my hight


Registered User
Rob, not exactly a bad thing, atleast you are guaranteed a fixed wing....Just have to make sure you pull passing grades. Best of Luck!

"praying to the SNA board gods couldn't hurt...."
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