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Help for my son

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New Member
Hello all,

My son recently finished flight school and is a winged aviator in the P3 community. Throughout flight school he started developing a sleep disorder. He wakes up sweating multiple times a night and has vivid realistic dreams that are usually negative in nature. Hes having a really hard time right now because he just accomplished his lifes goal, but now he doesnt feel hes a safe functioning pilot.

He doesnt know who to talk to without bringing undue attention to anything, but he really doesnt want this to go any further because he doesn't want to be the cause of an accident or embarrassment.

Are winged aviators allowed to transfer communities? Would this be something that put him up for a medical seperation? Would he if able to transfer still owe aviator commitment time?

Any thoughts, ideas, or answers are much appreciated. Thanks!


Registered User
If your son doesn't feel that he's a safe, functioning pilot, then the right (and only) thing to do is go to the flight surgeon and try to get the problem addressed. No one can tell you what will happen after that--maybe he'll be able to get treatment and keep flying, maybe he won't, maybe he'll be able to transition, maybe not........Like I said, NO ONE can tell you. He has control right now over exactly one decision, and needs to make the right one.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
IR is dead on, he needs to talk to a Flight Doc.

Question answered, thread closed, if anyone has constructive and/or anecdotal advice for Oldandkicking, send him a PM. If he is unable to receive PMs due to his being a new poster, PM me and I'll talk to the Webmaster about getting it set up.
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