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Hoping for Realistic Advice or Comments


New Member
I've stumbled upon this sight a week ago and am very impressed with the no holds barred advice many of you post. I really don't intend to be a broken record and ask the same questions as many other people have about becoming an officer in the Navy. My situation is as unique as everyone elses and am simply looking for an estimation of chances of making the cut.
Here are my stats:
I'm 33 and have been in banking/financial services since graduating college with a B.S. in Marketing. I earned a soccer scholarship to UCF and that is the reason I chose that route. My GPA was only 2.9. I'm still very physically fit and play sports often. I've never had any issues with the law and can get glowing references from my employers. I'm recently divorced also. My grandfather and uncle were both proud Navy men. That being said - I'm old (although feel and look younger than my true age), and my degree and low GPA is not very desireable to the Navy from my understanding. If I happen to score high on the ASTB test and score high on the physical tests (run, push-ups, sit-ups) - would I be a possible consideration? My confidence level is extrememly high in my ability to exceed expectations in the Navy but I'm afraid because of my age, and lower GPA could eliminate me before I get the chance to be a consideration. Thank you to anyone who took time from their busy day to read and respond to my post. It means a lot to me. Earlier this week I put messages to recruiters but this week and next week is a tough time of year to schedule appointments but I do hope to hear from someone soon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Jaime


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Jaime

Merry Xmas and Happy, merry kwansaka and all that jazz to you, Jaime.

As for your age, I think that's your only disqualifying factor...everything else seems great...but talk to an officer recruiter for one of the restricted line jobs if you're interested in serving.



"I live vicariously through myself."
Jaime, your age is going to limit your options greatly. I'm not sure what type of career you are looking for, but definitely talk to an officer recruiter in any case. Merry Christmas.



New Member
Thanks guys. If I'm a possible consideration - I understand I'll be limited to certain positions such as intelligence and perhaps a few others. I'm willing to make the most of my options. Hopefully, an Officer Recruiter will contact me back soon to let me know the scoop. I've left several voicemails and email requests this week. Thanks again for not sugar coating the reality of my situation. Behave yourselves and enjoy the holidays!! Jaime


Hopefully, an Officer Recruiter will contact me back soon to let me know the scoop. I've left several voicemails and email requests this week.

Yeah, I wouldn't count on getting a call back before 2008...the optempo of the Navy has made it so that it's hard to actually get a lot of stuff done so close to the holidays...you never know though.

Behave yourselves and enjoy the holidays!!

Yeah, that's not so much going to happen-the behaving part anyway.


New Member
Thanks again for the kind advice. I spoke to a Chief Hughes and plan to regroup with him on January 2nd to follow up on the possible opportunities I might have. Misbahave all you can over the holidays. (Better advice?)
Just cover your tracks and don't get caught.
